
Altium Pcb Files for an Arduino Training Robot PCB project

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Arduino Traning Robot

Arduino Training Robot with a lot of sensors and materials' connecters

Altium Pcb Files for an Arduino Training Robot PCB Project
This PCB's circuit diagram is drawn in a live stream of Lezzetli Robot Tarifleri using Eagle. However ı used Altium Designer , Hand drawn libraries and my PCB Layout Here is the link for the video:
Lezzetli Robot Tarifleri Live Stream Video

Main purpose of this PCB is to help and guide those who are new to Arduino. With many avaliable ports for widely used sensors such as HCSR04 Distance sensor, HC-05 Bluetooth Sensor, LM35 Temperature sensor, Line Sensor etc. One can develop simple arduino applications by just connecting a sensor to the header without drowning in wires.

Information about PCB:

PCB dimensions are 88mm - 48mm
5V Power Nets are drawn by 0.8mm line to avoid overheating problems
Signal nets have 0.3mm width to draw max 1A by the standard 1oz copper option
I tried to keep apart Signal Nets and power nets away due to they can interfere with each other
And finally top and bottom layers are covered GND to avoid noise

Used Materials:

3 x 4.7kOhm or 5kOhm THT Resistor
1 x 1kOhm THT Resistor
1 x 100 Ohm THT Resistor
1 x 6.8kOhm THT Resistor
1 x 10kOhm THT Resistor
1 x L298D Motor Driver
2 x Klemens (for motor connections)
1 x Power Jack
1 x (2x4) Male Header (for power connections)
3 x (1x4) Female Header (for HCSR04, I2C , HC-05 connections)
1 x (1x3) Female Header (for servo connection)
1 x (1x5) Female Header (for line Sensor)
1 x Buzzer
1 x LDR
1 x IR Remote Receiver (for Remote control applications)
1 x LM35 Temperature Sensor
1 x ws2812b SMD Rgb Led
1 x Slide Switch

PCB Board and Schematic Images:

Schematics of the Circuit Diagram:

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Top Layer of the 2D PCB Board:

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Bottom Layer of the 2D PCB Board:

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Top Layer of the 3D PCB Board:

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Bottom Layer of the 3D PCB Board:

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