
Useful Sublime Text 2 keyboard shortcuts

Useful Sublime Text 2 Keyboard Shortcuts

This is a work in progress.


Shortcut Description
N New file
S Save file
S Save file as
S Save all open files
O Open file
T Reopen last closed file
N New Tab
W Close Tab
N New Window
W Close Window
[1-4] Split window to n columns
[1-4] Focus on column n
[1-4] Move file to column n
K/B Toggle side bar
F Toggle full screen mode
F Toggle distraction free mode
P Command palette
, User Settings
= Increase Font Size
- Decrease Font Size


Shortcut Description
F2 Add/remove bookmark (remembers selection)
F2 Next bookmark
F2 Previous bookmark
F2 Remove all bookmarks
F2 Select all bookmarks

Code Folding

Shortcut Description
[ Fold
] Unfold
K, continue holding and press T Fold all tag attributes
K, continue holding and select a number Fold all blocks indented to level 1, 2, 3, etc.
K, continue holding and press 0 Unfold everything


Shortcut Description
Z Undo
Z Redo
U Soft undo (remembers cursor location)
U Soft redo (remembers cursor location)
Y Repeat
X Cut
C Copy
V Paste
V Paste and indent
] Indent
[ Unindent
D Duplicate line
/ Move line up/down
/ Insert line below
/ Insert line above
G Multi-select all in file
L Expand selection to line
R Go to symbol
W Wrap selection with tag
K/U Uppercase the selection
K/L Lowercase the selection
K/T Titlecase the selection
M Move to matching bracket
M Select to matching bracket


Shortcut Description
F Find
F Find in files
H Replace
G Find next
G Find previous