
Basic app for use in the server-side training

Primary LanguagePython


A sample environment for engineers to practice integrating Mixpanel identity management, events, and people properties

  • Images app with basic login, signup, and logout flow
  • Allows a user to continuously get more images


Download the sample app

Set up the Python environment for the app to use

  • Install homebrew if you haven't already. Homebrew is the standard way to install many command line programs on Macs.
  • Install pipenv with brew install pipenv
  • Add the directory where pipenv was installed to your $PATH so your terminal can find the new "pipenv" program you just installed. Probably "/usr/local/bin/". Depending on your setup try this command: echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
  • Run pipenv install in the directory where the "Pipfile" file is located
    • If pipenv complains about a missing Python version, install it with homebrew (do a quick google search)
  • Run pipenv shell to activate the Python environment

Run the local server!

  • In the directory with the "manage.py" file:
    • Run python manage.py migrate (this sets up the database tables)
    • Then, run python manage.py runserver
  • Go to your web browser and type in localhost:8000. You should see the local web app!
  • You can stop the server with ctrl-c

Mixpanel Practice (Practical)

  • Initialize / insert Mixpanel into the sample app (make sure you have downloaded this app and that it runs)
  • Track events with event properties client-side (follow the chart below, and add any other event and event properties as you deem necessary. Do not use Autotrack)
  • Track events with event properties server-side (follow the chart below, and add any other event and event properties as you deem necessary)
  • Track people profiles with people properties (follow the chart below, and add any other people property you deem necessary)
  • Reset the distinct_id upon logout
  • Integrate identity management with server-side alias and identify client-side, and alias the username to the client-side distinct_id
  • Pass the distinct_id from the client to the server and vice versa