Each time that you lose is the value multiplied by 2
Each time that you win is the value set to your start value (or start value +1)
(pretty solid strategy to increase your points, but still at risk of losing it all!)
- Open up the URL (THIS URL)
- Open up the authenticate URL, found on the top of the webpage. Login with the Twitch you wish to gamble with.
- Type the twitch channel that you wish to connect to in the second box
- Type the command execution cooldown in the 3:rd box.
- Type the bot's username in the 4:th box, capitalization does not matter
- Type the commandname in the 5:th box, for example "!gamble"
- Type something that can be recognized as a gamble by you. This can be custructed pretty complicated because of the power of RegEx. Here is an example:
Bot response: Yazaar won 100 points in roulette and now has 4947 points! FeelsGoodMan
RegEx: Yazaar [^ ]+ \d+ points in roulette and now has \d+ points! - Type something that can be recognized as a win in the 7:th box, for example "Yazaar won" if the response is "Yazaar won ... ..."
- Type the start value for gamble in the 8:th box
- Type the value where you would like to quit gambling in the 9:th box (when the total balance changed is less than the input it quits, for example -25000)