"Terrible" auto gambling bot for twitch chatbots, for example StreamElements

It does actually work, but watch out. Different channels have different winrates... (lower winrate higher of a risk)

How it works:

You specify a start gamble value

Each time that you lose is the value multiplied by 2
Each time that you win is the value set to your start value (or start value +1)
(pretty solid strategy to increase your points, but still at risk of losing it all!)


  1. Open up the URL (THIS URL)
  2. Open up the authenticate URL, found on the top of the webpage. Login with the Twitch you wish to gamble with.
  3. Type the twitch channel that you wish to connect to in the second box
  4. Type the command execution cooldown in the 3:rd box.
  5. Type the bot's username in the 4:th box, capitalization does not matter
  6. Type the commandname in the 5:th box, for example "!gamble"
  7. Type something that can be recognized as a gamble by you. This can be custructed pretty complicated because of the power of RegEx. Here is an example:
    Bot response: Yazaar won 100 points in roulette and now has 4947 points! FeelsGoodMan
    RegEx: Yazaar [^ ]+ \d+ points in roulette and now has \d+ points!
  8. Type something that can be recognized as a win in the 7:th box, for example "Yazaar won" if the response is "Yazaar won ... ..."
  9. Type the start value for gamble in the 8:th box
  10. Type the value where you would like to quit gambling in the 9:th box (when the total balance changed is less than the input it quits, for example -25000)
To see outputs, open up the console in your browser (F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+I or rightclick >> inspect >> console)