
Text-To-3D dream-fusion

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A pytorch implementation of the text-to-3D model Dreamfusion, powered by the Stable Diffusion text-to-2D model.


Colab notebooks:

  • Instant-NGP Backbone

  • Vanilla Backbone


git clone https://github.com/saba99/Stable-DreamFusion-NeRF.git
cd stable-dreamfusion

Install with pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

# (optional) install nvdiffrast for exporting textured mesh (if use --save_mesh)
pip install git+https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrast/

# (optional) install CLIP guidance for the dreamfield setting
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git

Build extension

# install all extension modules
bash scripts/install_ext.sh

# if you want to install manually, here is an example:
pip install ./raymarching # install to python path (you still need the raymarching/ folder, since this only installs the built extension.)

Taichi backend

Use Taichi backend for Instant-NGP. It achieves comparable performance to CUDA implementation while No CUDA build is required. Install Taichi with pip:

pip install -i https://pypi.taichi.graphics/simple/ taichi-nightly
#### stable-dreamfusion setting

## train with text prompt (with the default settings)

python main.py --text "a hamburger" --workspace trial -O

# reduce stable-diffusion memory usage with `--vram_O` 
# enable various vram savings (https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/optimization/fp16).
python main.py --text "a hamburger" --workspace trial -O --vram_O

# use CUDA-free Taichi backend with `--backbone grid_taichi`
python3 main.py --text "a hamburger" --workspace trial -O --backbone grid_taichi

# choose stable-diffusion version (support 1.5, 2.0 and 2.1, default is 2.1 now)
python main.py --text "a hamburger" --workspace trial -O --sd_version 1.5

# we also support negative text prompt now:
python main.py --text "a rose" --negative "red" --workspace trial -O

## after the training is finished:
# test (exporting 360 degree video)
python main.py --workspace trial -O --test
# also save a mesh (with obj, mtl, and png texture)
python main.py --workspace trial -O --test --save_mesh
# test with a GUI (free view control!)
python main.py --workspace trial -O --test --gui

## train
# `-O2` equals `--dir_text --backbone vanilla`
python main.py --text "a hotdog" --workspace trial2 -O2

## test
python main.py --workspace trial2 -O2 --test
python main.py --workspace trial2 -O2 --test --save_mesh
python main.py --workspace trial2 -O2 --test --gui # not recommended, FPS will be low.