
This extension allows your site to have 'monthly archives' or 'yearly archives', which are used often on blog-like websites.

Primary LanguagePHP

Monthly and Yearly Archives

This extension allows your site to have 'monthly archives' or 'yearly archives', which are used often on blog-like websites, or to organize a larger archive of newsitems. This extension takes care of creating the 'list of links', as well as populating the actual archive pages.


To use, place the following tag in your template, where you'd like the list of links:

<h3>Monthly entry archives</h3>
<ul class='archive_list'>
    {{ monthly_archives('entries') }}


<h3>Yearly news archives</h3>
<ul class='archive_list'>
    {{ yearly_archives('news', 'asc') }}

The parameter passed, is the contenttype that's used for the archives. Be sure to pass this as a strings, with the quotes. The second parameter can de 'asc' or 'desc', and determines whether the results will be shown ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).

You can also pass the name of the column to sort on and/or the label to use. By this point, it becomes better to use named arguments for clarity.

<h3>Monthly calendar</h3>
<ul class='archive_list'>
    {{ monthly_archives(contenttypeslug = 'entries', order = 'asc', column = 'start_date') }}

<h3>Monthly news archives</h3>
<ul class='archive_list'>
    {{ monthly_archives(contenttypeslug = 'entries', label = 'In the month %B of %Y.') }}

Note: In most cases you do not want to set column in the twig tag, but rather in app/config/extensions/archives.bobdenotter.yml, because that way it'll automatically work on the listing pages as well.