Contact importer

This application allow a user to import a list of contacts in a database. The contact fields are:

  • Name

  • Date of birth

  • Phone number

  • Credit card number

  • Franchise

  • Email

The app allows to:

  • Create a user with email and password

  • Load a csv file

  • If the columns names or the columns positions are not the same that the standar (name,dayOfBirth,phone,card,email) the user can select the position of each column after load the csv file.

  • The user can check the list of imported csv files anytime and then import the contacts of each csv in the list of the user contacts in the database.

  • If the import fails the user can see the errors of each contact and the name of the correspondent csv file

  • The user can delete any contact in his database

  • The user can export the list of imported contacts