MusicPlus based MediaExtractor, MediaMuxer, and MediaCodec and other tools to achieve extraction of audio video, and then after the other audio mix, then a new audio to synthesize new video. If you are interested to convert between audio formats, you can also find the relevant code in them.
- 0x4D3342
- 11080311
- AndoridswordsmanBeijing
- bbe-wang
- bird1015
- boomstack
- ckrissun
- cmxyzx
- CodeK1988北京
- dxgsdmq
- fjzboy
- GinRyanQingdao,China
- guojunustb北京
- ibangbangchina
- JasonMrazW
- joyoyaodueros
- kingkamg
- lidongfeng
- lost-devil
- MarkMjwTencent
- muhaozhang
- neocpp
- oliguo@VTLSolutions
- ouzhangyuchina
- r17171709Big Balloon
- RockyLin
- samma835Shanghai
- sciageDhwani RIS Pvt Ltd
- silentsugar
- ta893115871baidu
- waddwaw中国
- wesleysui
- xyzmstbeijing
- YeDaxiaGuangZhou
- zyxyuanxiao