Multi-Scale-Dilation Net, a deep neural network designed for semantic segmentation task.

Primary LanguagePython


Multi-Scale-Dilation Net is a deep neural network designed for semantic segmentation task, which integrates multi-scale feature extraction by the dilated convolution and the reduced FCN8s backbone. It serves as one of the baseline methods for the UAVid dataset.

Structure figure


First, clone the repository and go to the MSDNet folder.

git clone https://github.com/YeLyuUT/MSDNet.git

cd MSDNet

Add UAVid dataset to data folder

mkdir data

ln -s <path to UAVid dataset> data/uavid

Initialization (Create the folders and txt files)

bash init.sh

Prepare cropped data for training (skip if you do not need training)

python toolkit/getCroppedTrainData.py

Install tensorflow

Our model is tested with early tensorflow1.3 version and python2.7

You can follow the instruction on the official site to download.

Link: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/pip?lang=python2



python LMain_msd.py -m t -f fileListTrainCropped.txt


python LMain_msd.py -m t -f fileListTrainCropped.txt -w <checkpoints>

Fine-tuning with decoder re-initialized

python LMain_msd.py -m tp -f fileListTrainCropped.txt -w <checkpoints>


python LMain_msd.py -m p -f fileListTest.txt -w <checkpoint weight>

Pretrained model

We offer the pretrained weights in the google drive link below, which should give 57.0% mIoU score on the UAVid2020 benchmark.


Simply download the checkpoint files to the 'checkpoints' subfolder, and run the following command,

python LMain_msd.py -m p -f fileListTest.txt -w checkpoints/model.ckpt


Please cite our paper if you find the work useful.

    author = "Ye Lyu and George Vosselman and Gui-Song Xia and Alper Yilmaz and Michael Ying Yang",
    title = "UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery",
    journal = "ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing",
    volume = "165",
    pages = "108 - 119",
    year = "2020",
    issn = "0924-2716",
    doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.05.009",
    url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924271620301295"}