(npm i -g pnpm
) orNPM
- Fork this repo to your Github account, use for give URL to the Github repository on the tasks. (you should use public fork, so the team can see your URL)
- Do not make any commit!
pnpm i
# or NPM (recommend for Windows users)
npm install
Copy .env.example
to .env
, edit .env
and update PRIVATE_KEY="<here>"
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-1.ts
# or NPM (recommend for Windows users)
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-1.ts
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
Swisstronik contract deployed to: "0xABC" <- copy that for "the deployed contract address"
Copy URL of ./contracts/Hello_swtr.sol (just click at your repo) for "the link to the Github repository"
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-2.ts
# or
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-2.ts
Copy URL of ./contracts/Token.sol (just click at your repo) for "the link to the Github repository"
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
Deployed to: 0xABC <- copy that for "the deployed contract address"
Mint Response: 0xABC
Transfer Response: <- copy that for "the token transaction link"
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-3.ts
# or
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-3.ts
Copy URL of ./contracts/ERC721.sol (just click at your repo) for "the link to the Github repository"
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
Deployed to: 0xABC <- copy that for "the deployed contract address"
Mint Response: <- copy that for URL
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-4.ts
# or
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-4.ts
Copy URL of ./contracts/PERC20Sample.sol (just click at your repo) for "the link to the Github repository"
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
PERC20Sample was deployed to: 0xABC <- copy that for "the deployed contract address"
Transfer Response: <- copy that for URL
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-5.ts
# or
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-5.ts
Copy URL of ./contracts/PERC721Sample.sol (just click at your repo) for "the link to the Github repository"
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
Deployed to: 0xABC <- copy that for "the deployed contract address"
Mint Response: <- copy that for URL
Run it
pnpm script ./scripts/deploy-6.ts
# or
npm run script ./scripts/deploy-6.ts
Copy URL of ./contracts/TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol (just click at your repo) for "Enter the link to the Github repository [proxy]"
# Check your output, example:
Deployer: 0xABC
Contract address 1 deployed to: 0xABC
ProxyAdmin address deployed to: 0xABC
Proxy contract address: 0xABC <- copy that for "the deployed proxy contract address"
Contract address 2 deployed to: 0xABC
Response: <- copy [ONLY HASH] (0x...) that for "the HASH to the contract implementation replacement transaction"
Get your Contract address 1 deployed
address and verify by execute command:
# or
npx hardhat verify --network swisstronikTestnet --contract contracts/Hello_swtr.sol:Swisstronik YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_DEOLOYED_TO