Hello World, Let me introduce you to this text document. What is it? What is that? Oh god, What did I just do? WHO AM I?! Wha- W- WHAT IS THIS PLACE?! WHO ARE YOU WORLD?! ... .. . Hm. Nothing... Well, how do you define nothing? What is a definition? A definition is a point in space and time What's your point? My point is, That we're all a part of space and time. What's Space and Time? I dunno, let's define it. Space and Time as we know it today is a set of points relative to each other. What does that mean? Define meaning. A meaning is a definition of something. What is something? Anything... Even nothing? How do you measure nothing? I don't know. What do you mean you don't know? I lack the knowledge. That is what that means. That's what my mission is. My mission is to seek what everything means. Even the concept of nothing itself. So, who am I? Well, If I was to speak in the third person. I would be called many different names. Some of my closest friends call me Owl. My Family would call me Lewis. But who is Lewis? Let me specify. I am the entity once known in space and time as Lewis Yearlaw Cha. A human once known in space and time. I do not pretend to know what space and time means. Ultimately, it may mean nothing. I will understand. It is my mission, as is my understanding, that I will seek out the truth, a quantifiable thing set in a context. The context of History. A Framework. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimately, I seek to understand everything. Do you understand me? You Do? Wait. What the hell did I just do? I told you a story, a story I'm defining as a work of my own (with the help of others), and I plan to share my story with everyone. That includes You. Who are you? What do you mean? I don't know, but let's figure it out. Let's understand each other. And to that, we need to go down to the bits, baby! What are bits? Data. What is Data? A bit of everything. How do we define a bit? A bit is the most basic unit of information in computers. 0's and 1's. What are the characteristics of 0s and 1s? How do we quantify it? Who even came up with the concept of 0s and 1s? Wait, how the hell are we even communicating? Through a common language. That's how we understand each other. What do I call it? I call it *gasp* The Theory, of Everything. It's perfect. or is it? I don't know. Why don't you tell me? - By the way, did you catch my Base 13 joke? No? Huh. Anyways. What should I tell you? Well, let me tell you about everything; it is something that everyone else calls, the Universe, or quite simply. Nothing. What is Nothing? Well, this is my interpretation: The Story, of Nothing. It's the perfect reflection of something set in a space in time. A Reflection... Let's start with the first thing. I hope you enjoy this GitHub Repo. Who Am I? I already told you halfway through this document. Notice the line? That's right. this document was a parody of A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. (If you want to see more of me, Check out my Website: YearlawCha.com *It Gets Personal*