Milestone Project

Serzhan Yedil CSSE-1601K 25000

Topic: Fitness club.

Nowadays, Fitness club is becoming more and more popular. So I decided to develop the application about a fitness club. I have 7 entities, in which there are three types of relaitonships as well.

7 Entities:

  • coach(id, name, tel)

  • course(id, name, coachId, roomId)

  • room(room_id, capacity)

  • equipment(id, name, price, roomId(FK))

  • member(id, name, tel)

  • couresmember(id, courseId(FK), memberId(FK))

  • membershipcard(id, createdAt, memberId(FK))


  • one to one:

    • coach - course
    • member - membershipcard
  • one to many:

    • room - course
    • room - equipment
  • many to many:

    • member - course


the remote validation

VerifyEmail of the property 'Email' of model 'Member' and the function is in the Controller 'MembersController'

the custom attriubute validation

The custom attribute validation is 'NotContainsDigits' It validates the property 'Name' of model 'Member', making sure that the name contains no digits, the implementation is in the same model.

the model which implements IValidatableObject

The model 'Equipment' inherits IValidatableObject And we'r using it to make sure when the equipment's name is 'bench', its price should not exceed 20000.