
A columnar storage engine designed and optimized for data lakes.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Pixels is a columnar storage engine for data lakes and warehouses. It is optimized for data analytics on tables that are stored in HDFS and S3-like file/object storage systems, and provides much higher performance than existing columnar formats such as Parquet. Moreover, all the storage optimizations in Pixels, including data layout reordering, columnar caching, and I/O scheduling, are transparent to query engines and underlying file/object storage systems. Thus, it does not affect the maintainability and portability of the storage layer in data lakes.

Build Pixels

Install JDK (8.0 is recommended), and open Pixels as a maven project in Intellij. When the project is fully indexed and the dependencies are successfully downloaded, use the maven's package command to build it. Some test params are missing for the unit tests, you can simply create arbitrary values for them.

The build may take tens of seconds to complete. After that, find the following jar files that will be used in the installation:

  • pixels-daemon-*-full.jar in pixels-daemon/target, this is the jar to run Pixels daemons;
  • pixels-load-*-full.jar in pixels-load/target, this is the jar to load data for Pixels.

Pixels is compatible with different query engines, such as Presto, Trino, and Hive. However, for simplicity, we use Presto as an example here to illustrate how Pixels works with query engines in the data lakes.

To use Pixels in Presto, download pixels-presto, and use mvn package to build it. Find the following zip files in the build target directories:

  • pixels-presto-listener-*.zip, this is the event listener plugin for Presto.
  • pixels-presto-connector-*.zip, this is the connector for Presto.

Note that the Presto version we use only supports Java 8, thus pixels-presto should be built using JDK 8.0.

If you want to run the unit tests or the main classes in Intellij for debugging purpose, set the PIXELS_HOME environment variable for Junit or Application in Run -> Edit Configurations -> Edit Configuration Templetes. Ensure that the PIXELS_HOME directory exists and follow the instructions in Install Pixels to put the pixels.properties into PIXELS_HOME and create the logs directory where the log files will be written.

Installation in AWS

Create an EC2 Ubuntu-20.04 instance with x86 arch and at least 20GB root volume. 8GB or larger memory is recommended. Login the instance as ubuntu user, and install the following components.

Install JDK

Install JDK 8.0 in the EC2 instance:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre

Check the java version:

java -version

If the other version of JDK is in use, switch to JDK 8.0:

update-java-alternatives --list
sudo update-java-alternatives --set /path/to/jdk-8.0

Oracle JDK 8.0 also works.

Setup AWS Credentials

If we use S3 as the underlying storage system, we have to configure the AWS credentials.

Currently, we do not configure the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION from Pixels. Therefore, we have to configure these credentials using environment variables or credential files.

Install Pixels

To build Pixels from source and install it locally, you can simply run:

# You may also want to append this line into `~/.bashrc`
export PIXELS_HOME=$HOME/opt/pixels/

But you still need to:

  • Put the jdbc connector of MySQL into PIXELS_HOME/lib.
  • Modify pixels.properties to ensure that the URLs, ports, paths, usernames, and passwords are valid.

To install it step-by-step, or to install on EC2, please see the guidance below.

Here, we install Pixels and other binary packages into the ~/opt directory:

mkdir ~/opt

Create the home ~/opt/pixels for Pixels:

cd ~/opt
mkdir pixels

Append this line into ~/.bashrc and source it:

export PIXELS_HOME=$HOME/opt/pixels/

Create the following directories in PIXELS_HOME:

mkdir bin
mkdir lib
mkdir listener
mkdir logs
mkdir sbin
mkdir var

Put the sh scripts in scripts/bin and scripts/sbin into PIXELS_HOME/bin and PIXELS_HOME/sbin respectively. Put pixels-daemon-*-full.jar into PIXELS_HOME and pixels-load-*-full.jar into PIXELS_HOME/sbin. Put the jdbc connector of MySQL into PIXELS_HOME/lib. Put pixels-common/src/main/resources/pixels.properties into PIXELS_HOME. Modify pixels.properties to ensure that the URLs, ports, paths, usernames, and passwords are valid. Leave the other config parameters as default.

Optionally, to use the columnar cache in Pixels (i.e., pixels-cache), create and mount an in-memory file system:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ramfs
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1g tmpfs /mnt/ramfs

The path /mnt/ramfs is determined by cache.location and index.location in PIXELS_HOME/pixels.properties. The size parameter of the mount command should be larger than or equal to the sum of cache.size and index.size in PIXELS_HOME/pixels.properties. And it must be smaller than the physical memory size. Set the schema name and table name of the cached table using cache.schema and cache.table, respectively. Set cache.storage.scheme to be the name of the storage system where the cached table is stored. Finally, set cache.enabled and cache.read.direct to true in PIXELS_HOME/pixels.properties.

Set cache.enabled to false if you don't use pixels-cache.

Install MySQL

MySQL and etcd are used to store the metadata and states of Pixels. To install MySQL:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation

Login MySQL and create a user and a metadata database for Pixels:

CREATE USER 'pixels'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
CREATE DATABASE pixels_metadata;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pixels_metadata.* to 'pixels'@'%';

Ensure that MySQL server can be accessed remotely. Sometimes the default MySQL configuration binds the server to localhost thus declines remote connections.

Use scrpts/sql/metadata_schema.sql to create tables in pixels_metadata.

Install etcd

First install go-lang:

sudo apt install golang

Copy scripts/tars/etcd-v3.3.4-linux-amd64.tar.xz into ~/opt and decompress it. Append the following lines into ~/.bashrc and source it:

export ETCDCTL_API=3
export ETCD=$HOME/opt/etcd-v3.3.4-linux-amd64-bin

All the following commands are executed under ~/opt by default. Create the link and start etcd:

ln -s etcd-v3.3.4-linux-amd64-bin etcd
cd etcd

You can use screen or nohup to run it in the background.

Install Hadoop*

Hadoop is optional. It is only needed if you want to use HDFS as an underlying storage.

Pixels has been tested to be compatible with Hadoop-2.7.3 and Hadoop-3.3.1. Follow the official docs to install Hadoop.

Modify hdfs.config.dir in PIXELS_HOME/pixels.properties and point it to the etc/hadoop directory under the home of Hadoop. Pixels will read the Hadoop configuration files core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml from this directory.

Note that some default ports used by Hadoop may conflict with the default ports used by Presto. In this case, modify the default port configuration of either system.

Install Presto

Presto is the recommended query engine that works with Pixels. Currently, Pixels is compatible with Presto-0.215. Download and install Presto-0.215 following the instructions here.

Here, we install Presto to ~/opt/presto-server-0.215 and create a link for it:

ln -s presto-server-0.215 presto-server

Then download presto-cli into ~/opt/presto-server/bin/ and give executable permission to it.

There are two important directories in the home of presto-server: etc and plugin. Decompress pixels-presto-listener-*.zip and pixels-presto-connector-*.zip into the plugin directory. The etc directory contains the configuration files of Presto. In addition to the configurations mentioned in the official docs, add the following configurations for Pixels:

  • Create the listener config file named event-listener.properties in the etc directory, with the following content:

log-dir should point to an existing directory where the listener logs will appear.

  • Create the catalog config file named pixels.properties for Pixels in the etc/catalog directory, with the following content:

pixels.home should be the same as PIXELS_HOME.

Note that this pixels.properties is in the etc/catalog directory of Presto's home, and is different from PIXELS_HOME/pixels.properties.

Some scripts in Presto may also require python:

sudo apt-get install python

Install Prometheus and Grafana*

Prometheus and Grafana are optional. We can install them to monitor the performance metrics of the whole system.

To install Prometheus, copy node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.xz, jmx_exporter-0.11.0.tar.gz, and prometheus-2.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.xz under scripts/tars into the ~/opt directory and decompress them.

Create links:

ln -s jmx_exporter-0.11.0/ jmx_exporter
ln -s node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64 node_exporter
ln -s prometheus-2.1.0.linux-amd64 prometheus

Append the following lines into ~/.bashrc:

export PROMETHEUS_HOME=$HOME/opt/prometheus/

Enter the etc directory under the home of presto-server. Append this line to jvm.config:


Start node_exporter and prometheus respectively, using the start-*.sh in their directories. You can use screen or nohup to run them in the background.

Then, follow the instructions here to install Grafana.

Log in Grafana, create a Prometheus data source named cluster-monitor. Set URL to http://localhost:9090, Scrape Interval to 5s, and HTTP Method to GET. Other configurations remains default.

Import the json dashboard configuration files under scripts/grafana into Grafana. Then we get three dashboards Cluster Exporter, JVM Exporter, and Node Exporter in Grafana. These dashboards can be used to monitor the performance metrics of the instance.

Start Pixels

Enter PIXELS_HOME. If pixels-cache is enabled, setup the cache before starting Pixels:

sudo ./sbin/pin-cache.sh

reset-cache.sh is only needed for the first time of using pixels-cache. It initializes some states in etcd for the cache.

Even if pixels-cache is disabled, reset-cache.sh is needed for the first time of starting Pixels. Then, start the daemons of Pixels using:


The metadata server, coordinator, node manager, and metrics server, are running in the daemons.

After starting Pixels, enter the home of presto-server and start Presto:

./bin/launcher start

Connect to presto-server using presto-cli:

./bin/presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog pixels

Run SHOW SCHEMAS in presto-cli, the result should be as follows if everything is installed correctly.

(1 row)

By now, Pixels has been installed in the EC2 instance. The aforementioned instructions should also work in other kinds of VMs or physical servers.

Run the script $PIXELS_HOME/sbin/stop-pixels.sh to stop Pixels when needed. If pixels-cache is used, also run the $PIXELS_HOME/sbin/unpin-cache.sh to release the memory that is pinned by the cache.

TPC-H Evaluation

After starting Pixels and Presto, we can evaluate the performance of Pixels using TPC-H.

Prepare TPC-H

Attach a volume that is larger than the scale factor (e.g., 150GB for SF100) to the EC2 instance. Mount the attached volume to a local path (e.g., /data/tpch). Download tpch-dbgen to the instance, build it, and generate the dataset and queries into the attached volume. Here, we put the dataset in /data/tpch/100g/. The file(s) of each table are stored in a separate directory named by the table name.

Create TPC-H Database

Log in presto-cli and use the SQL statements in scripts/sql/tpch_schema.sql to create the TPC-H database in Pixels. Change the value of the storage table property in the create-table statement to hdfs if HDFS is used as the underlying storage system instead of S3.

Note that presto-cli can execute only one SQL statement at each time.

Then, use SHOW SCHEMAS and SHOW TABLES statements to check if the tpch database has been created successfully.

Connect to MySQL using the user pixels, and execute the SQL statements in scripts/sql/tpch_layouts.sql to create the table layouts for the tables in the TPC-H database in Pixels. Actually, these layouts should be created by the storage layout optimizer (Rainbow). However, we directly load the layouts here for simplicity.

Create the container to store the tables in S3. The container name is the same as the hostname (e.g., pixels-tpch) in the LAYOUT_ORDER_PATH and LAYOUT_COMPACT_PATH of each table layout. Change the bucket name if it already exists.

During data loading, Pixels will automatically create the folders in the bucket to store the files in each table.

Load Data

Under PIXELS_HOME, run pixels-load:

java -jar pixels-load-*-full.jar

Then use the following command in pixels-load to load data for the TPC-H tables:

LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/customer -d tpch -t customer -n 319150 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/lineitem -d tpch -t lineitem -n 600040 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/nation -d tpch -t nation -n 100 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/orders -d tpch -t orders -n 638300 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/part -d tpch -t part -n 769240 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/partsupp -d tpch -t partsupp -n 360370 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/region -d tpch -t region -n 10 -r \| -c 1
LOAD -f pixels -o file:///data/tpch/100g/supplier -d tpch -t supplier -n 333340 -r \| -c 1

This may take a few hours. The last parameter -c of the LOAD command is the maximum number of threads used for loading data. It only effects when the input directory (specified by -o) contains multiple input files. In case that the TPC-H table has multiple parts, you can set -c to the number of parts to improve the data loading performance.

As we don't use pixels-cache for TPC-H, there is no need to load the cache. Otherwise, we can load the cached table into pixels-cache using:

./sbin/load-cache.sh layout_version

layout_version is the version of the table's layout that specifies the columns we want to cache.

Run Queries

Connect to presto-cli:

cd ~/opt/presto-server
./bin/presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog pixels --schema tpch

Execute the TPC-H queries in presto-cli.

Data Compaction*

This is optional. It is only needed if we want to test the query performance on the compact layout. In pixels-load, use the following command to compact the files in the ordered path of each table:

COMPACT -s tpch -t customer -l 1 -n no -c 2
COMPACT -s tpch -t lineitem -l 2 -n no -c 16
COMPACT -s tpch -t orders -l 4 -n no -c 8
COMPACT -s tpch -t part -l 5 -n no -c 1
COMPACT -s tpch -t partsupp -l 6 -n no -c 8
COMPACT -s tpch -t supplier -l 8 -n no -c 1

The tables nation and region are too small, no need to compact them. The last parameter -c of COMPACT command is the maximum number of threads used for data compaction. For large tables such as lineitem, you can increase -c to improve the compaction performance. Compaction is normally faster than loading with same number of threads.

To avoid scanning the small files in the ordered path during query execution, create an empty bucket in S3 and change the ordered path in the metadata database to the empty bucket.