
Use phone as joystick

Primary LanguageC++


A wifi joystick with the interface hosted on an esp8266 (Despite the name "ESP32Joystick" it uses an ESP8266, it is because I intended an ESP32 to be used at first, but it got too complicated)

This esp8266 joystick has an interface made with html, css and javascript which are hosted on a WiFi capable microcontroller, the esp8266. The esp8266 communicates with an Arduino Pro Micro which emulates the Xbox 360 HID controller over I2C bus protocol.

ESP32Joystick ESP32Joystick


Getting started

  1. Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/YeetTheAnson/ESP32Joystick
  2. Navigate to the main folder of the repository and flash
  3. To use this, follow the circuit diagram
  4. Learn how to use it here

Flashing ESP8266

  1. Navigate to ESPJOYSTICK and open the ESPJOYSTICK.ino file in Arduino IDE
  2. Set the configuration by changing the SSID and password in the code
  3. Add ESP8266 to the board manager:
    • Go to File >> Preferences >> Additional Boards Manager URLs
    • Paste the following URL: https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
  4. Open board manager download esp8266 by esp8266 community
  5. Select the board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
  6. Compile and flash the code to the ESP8266

Flashing Arduino Pro Micro

  1. Navigate to ArduinoCode and open the ArduinoCode.ino file in Arduino IDE
  2. Add Arduino Leonardo w/ Xinput to the board manager:
    • Go to File >> Preferences >> Additional Boards Manager URLs
    • Paste the following URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmadison/ArduinoXInput_Boards/master/package_dmadison_xinput_index.json
  3. Open board manager download Xinput AVR Boards by David Madison
  4. Select the board Arduino Leonardo w/ Xinput
  5. Open the library manager and download Xinput
  6. Compile and upload the code
  7. During the 'Uploading...' stage, press the reset button twice quickly

Circuit Diagram

Arduino Pro Micro (5v) ESP8266
Pin 3 D1 / GPIO5
Pin 2 D2 / GPIO4


  1. Connect to the WiFi SSID and Password you set in the code (Default SSID and Password is WirelessJoystick)
  2. Open your browser and type in in your address bar


  • Has all buttons on the XBOX 360 controller