
A graphing calculator made on html

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A graphing calculator made on html



Visit the site and try out the calculator yourself GraphingCalculator


GraphingCalculator Uses javascript and chart.js to plot a mathematical equation.

Getting started

  1. Launch the html site
  2. Learn how to use the calculator here
  3. Learn about the features here

How to visit the link

  1. Copy and paste the following link into your browser address bar and press the enter key https://yeettheanson.github.io/GraphingCalculator/index.html

How to run locally

  1. Type git clone https://github.com/YeetTheAnson/GraphingCalculator into CMD
  2. Navigate to the correct folder with cd Html
  3. Type start index.html into CMD
  4. Your browser of choice should open with the webpage


  1. Type in any mathematical equation
  2. Set your X domain below the keypad
  3. Press the graph button to start plotting
  4. Use the arrow button to move the caret (text cursor)

How it works

  1. First a lower and upper domain is determined, and the range between the domain is calculated (upper - lower domain)
  2. 5000 data point is obtained by using a for loop and the equation: LowerDomain + (Range*n)/5000
  3. Y value is calculated by subbing into the equation
  4. 5000 pairs of coordinates are obtained and plotted