This repo is the source of information about activities with BeCode: Briefings, guidelines, tasks, tutorials, exercises etc...
Clone this to your pc and git pull
often to make sure you have the most recent version.
Read the following documents
In case of delay, absence or early leave (planned or not), please warn us by using the platform
In short here is what you do in any of the three cases above:
- Send a message to both coaches on Ryver
- You warn BeCode through;
- if you already have some note to justify your absence (doctors note, ...), then send this straight to us using the platform (
- if you know that you are going to obtain such document, tell us when you notify us of your absence, ... Once you have the document, send it to us through the platform
- When you know that you will have no legal reason for the absence, tardiness, ... then please let us know asap as well on ryver/whatsapp. Not showing up, or showing up late is considered unprofessional
- 2 occasions of being late or leaving early unjustified is seen as an absence
- 2 unjustified absences leads to a one-on-one conversation
- 6 unjustified absences leads to a termination of your contract with us and the vdab and results in you leaving this training permanently.
This is a chronological list of the segments of this training. More segments will be added during the course.