
yohohoscript the best programming language ever

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • YohohoScript is just some random language that i made a while back for some reason

  • the syntax is ATROCIOUS!!!

[PRINT] "Hello, World!" [END]
[ADDSTR] "this doesnt even work lol and it just " "prints the output" [END]
[AWAIT] 20 [END]
[PRINT] "After 20 seconds..."
  • ^ halt doesnt do anything except exit the program (there are no if statements)

(adding variables maybe soon idk no promises)


  • you need: c++ compiler cmake run the commands

git clone https://github.com/YellowCat98/YohohoScript.git cmake -B build cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo or depending on what you want to build on, i build on RelWithDebInfo.