The Sunshine Application allows social enthusiasts to find places to go in any city no matter what the weather.
Features include
- Shows current location weather conditions asking permission from the user.
- Provides a well-polished layout including a search form for the user to input a destination city.
- On search button click using Weather Api provides the destination city time and weather conditions.
- Suggests activities around the destination city depending on the weather conditions using TrueWay Api.
- Ability to flip the activity cards to get the Address, Phone Number, Website of the suggested activity.
- Ability to store the previous searched cities and populate them for easy access.
- Additional clear cities fucntionality when intented to search in other direction.
- Responsive lauout which fits into wide variety screens.
Open Weather API – to find weather conditions
TrueWay Places API – to find local places with types
Local Storage - to store persistent data
Foundation JS - to style page elements
Below is link for deployed Sunshine website.
Name | GitHub Username |
Cody S. | YellowYam |
Miles Colon | BinaryBitBytes |
Venkata Sameer Elamarthy | evs95 |