is_closed Bug Still Not Fixed
biwagner2 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I am running into the same issue that was brought up by someone over three years ago. It seems their issue was marked as closed, but I am currently running into the same issue described in the original post:
#633 (comment).
The 'is_closed' value in any JSON returned by either the business search or details endpoint is always false, regardless of whether a business is currently closed or not.
*I know this is not the proper format for a post, but the user in the link I provided already made this post with the appropriate formatting, so I thought it would be redundant.
Hi @biwagner2, do you mind sharing at least 1 or 2 business ids so that we can look into this issue further? Thx!
Sure thing @rockdog. Here is one id in particular: 9FiICPgMTBFOXrX8a2eeuw
I've added some screenshots of the JSON output from the dev portal website; one from 2:08 pm PST today and the other from 2:35 pm PST. This restaurant closes at 2:30 pm PST, but the 'is_closed' variable's value never changes.

*I included this last screenshot so you could see the time stamps for the screenshots.

This restaurant's Yelp page, however, does correctly reflect its closed status: