- 4
is_closed Bug Still Not Fixed
#708 opened by biwagner2 - 2
Natural Language Search Endpoint Not Working
#707 opened by biwagner2 - 0
Request for Custom Business Categories
#706 opened by designxtek - 2
Reviews API sort_by possible bug
#688 opened by tamarindd - 10
Very strange 403 error
#704 opened by Zy19 - 2
Reviews API sort_by parameter bug
#705 opened by joshmusser - 1
Getting Menu / dish details from API
#675 opened by ahmednrana - 1
API for getting questions asked about a business
#665 opened by HolySahar - 1
Worldwide search
#667 opened by elenajp - 1
Yelp API - Get all the reviews by user
#666 opened by lugrace - 1
API Request for Self-User Info
#692 opened by kylekam - 1
how can i get email id of user to send auto response on his/her reviews using yelp API
#659 opened by Muneebmalik72 - 1
Business Search Results are responding with unspecified results, validated with docs site
#695 opened by drbarq - 2
Review api always return satus 404
#702 opened by zohaib5424 - 0
Data Inquiry
#703 opened by Kaikuroiwa - 3
Bussiness search with ConnectionError
#680 opened by yuanmr420 - 2
Unauthorized access token
#698 opened by raisk - 2
- 1
Yelp automatic messages response
#691 opened by RudyGi2023 - 0
- 2
location - possible bug
#689 opened by zhenyingteoh - 1
Fetch All Reviews of the business
#669 opened by Sudhanshusingh31 - 4
API v3 SSL connection errors
#693 opened by Sp23-23 - 4
Unable to get oauth2.0 autherization API access end points for Yelp developer account.
#696 opened by snaplogicteam - 2
Error upon submission of Create App form, unable to get Yelp Fusion API key
#697 opened by brookeseiter - 1
Respond to Review
#661 opened by Muneebmalik72 - 1
- 3
Response to Review API Call Not Working
#662 opened by evtsgithub - 3
Business endpoints stopped returning prices
#700 opened by smithtim - 1
Business Api Request Hangs Forever
#682 opened by ChrisK1224 - 1
How can I get list of all parent categories?
#685 opened by smimar - 2
Yelp business search api CORS issue
#672 opened by ParadigmServices - 1
- 4
- 1
How do you get more images for restaurents from[id]. Curretnly it gets only 3 images
#687 opened by Yamirb - 2
Why doesn't it show me the confirmation dialog box that names the app and the permissions that I request = r2r? with yelp services
#690 opened by Global-Manu-Man - 10
Error trying to create app
#683 opened by beehilly - 1
Searching for businesses without a price range
#678 opened by tableaukun - 3
#664 opened by mkabasso123 - 0
- 2
Can't search by term
#676 opened by leodomitrovic - 0
getting different results for same offset
#674 opened by hamza1424 - 3
Business location postal_code returning null
#673 opened by dylan-hstk - 2
#671 opened by RohanMondal0505 - 2
- 0
respond to yelp review
#660 opened by Muneebmalik72 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0