
cardano nft minter service on testnet based on python

Primary LanguagePython



Service in python to mint NFTs on tesnet using the standard CIP-0025

  • Creates every time a new policyId based on the current slot.
  • Receives two parameters:
    • name: name of the nft
    • address: address to which the nft is sent
  • Additional to the nft, it also pays 2 ADA as minUtxo to the received address


  1. Run a cardano-node
  2. Create a payment folder and store your key files:
    • payment.addr
    • payment.svkey
  3. Create a policy folder and store your policy files:
    • policy.skey


In my case, I'm using a virtual environment with python: 3.6.9

  1. source <path-to-virtual-env>/bin/activate
  2. gunicorn --bind --timeout=300 -k gevent mint-nft:api --reload