
This is the repository for the mobile application of the Bunkie project.


Bunkie is an application that aims to solve the problem of university student accommodation. It will help connect students who are in need of accommodation to student partners using different parameters to determine suitability including social preferences, budget, location etc.


  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your forked repository
  • Create a new development branch and checkout using git checkout -b *new-branch-name*
  • Confirm you are in your newly created development branch using git branch --show-current
  • Set upstream branch to track remote changes using git remote add upstream https://github.com/zuri-training/bunkie_mobile_pjt_47
  • Pull from upstream using git pull upstream *your-development-branch*
  • Open a new issue on the central repo for the task/feature you want to build. The maintainers will assign this issue to you.
  • After making changes to the repo: stage the files/folders that have been changed using git add *new-file/folder-path*.
  • After staging, write a commit message describing the changes you made with git commit -m *commit-message*
  • Sync your local directory with the remote to avoid merge conflicts using git pull upstream *your-development-branch*
  • Push your changes with git push origin *your-development-branch*
  • Make a pull request to the central repo and wait for review


  • Flutter SDK: >=2.12.0 <3.0.0

Executing program

  • Navigate to the directory on your computer and flutter run
