To install:
pip install zogyp
You can now pip and play!
Just type the following after pip-ing
ZOGY file.fits ref-file.fits
See read the docs for more info
ZOGY in Parallell (ZiP) is a fast(ish) computation of proper image subtraction B.Zackay, E.Ofek, A.Gal-Yam (2016). Inspired by Ofek 2014 and pmvreeswijk. ZiP offers a faster subtraction at the expense of a more comprehensive input. I.e. The program should be tailored for one telescope or input of images. This code has a parallell function, however it requires 6+ cores to operate. This particular Case is optimised for the Gravitational-Wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) However, simple fudging of the parameters should make it possible to make this work for other telescopes.
An internal version of spalipy has been added as the alignment algorithm. This uses sextractor to find source locations in two images and then aligns them with an affine transform. Residuals are then used to build a 2D spline surface to correct for warping due to large field distortions.
Finally, a parallel version of proper coadition is used for stacking images. It still isn't increadibly fast for on the spot coaddition; so a meidian combine tool is also included.
The output consists of the D_image, S_image, and Scorr_image.,ref) will do the subtraction and return the file names.
Header comments are added describing what files were subtracted and what image (D or Scorr) it is.
left: D_image, right: Scorr_image
In Serial the program takes ~ 1:06 per subtraction [for a field 8000 X 6000 pixels big]
In Parallell it takes ~ 32s per subtraction [for a field 8000 X 6000 pixels big]
Ry Cutter
Version 1.6.3 (25/02/2020)