
Primary LanguageTypeScript

If you have any troubles running the app with yarn ios or yarn android, open XCode or Android Studio and run the project from there.

Design: https://excalidraw.com/#room=6bc07c036306ae9f5713,SQ9jKKWHdXgSggQaXUDzcA

What's inside

Extra helpful libraries

Useful services/methods

  • navigation - a service where all navigation configuration takes place in. It simplifies and abstracts the process of registering screens, layouts, etc.
  • translate - a service that brings an easy integration of localization for an app by using i18n-js and expo-localization. You can see an example of en and ru localizations in Example screen.
  • onStart - a service where you can write your own logic when app is launched. For example, you can increment number of appLaunches there.
  • configureDesignSystem() - a method where all settings for an app's design system is taking place. You can customize there colors, schemes, typegraphy, spacings, etc.


Describe app screens in one place

All setup for your screens takes place in one file src/screens/index.ts:

type Screen = 'Main' | 'Example' | 'Settings';
type Tabs = 'Main' | 'WIP' | 'Settings';

const screens: ScreenLayouts = {
  Main: {
    name: 'Main',
    component: Main,
    options: () => ({
      title: 'Home',
  // ...

const tabs: TabScreenLayouts = {
  Main: {
    name: 'MainNavigator',
    component: HomeStack,
    options: () => ({
      title: 'Home',
  // ...

Build layouts with ease

Stack Navigator:

const HomeStack = () =>

Tab Navigator:

const TabNavigator = () =>

Navigate to other screens with predictability

const Screen = ({componentId}) => {
  const {nav} = useServices();

  return (
        label="Open Settings"
        onPress={() => nav.push('Settings')}