iTrust Insure Integration


To register and start selling NexusMutual cover without KYC. To register for our service please contact: itrust


Recommended workflow for integrating with iTrust Insure.


iTrust Insure API

To enable users to buyCover a signed price quote is currently necessary.

Live URL

Accesses mainnet


Test URL

Accesses kovan test network


Access Control

Registered exchanges will be provided with an api key. This must be provided as a header when calling the api endpoints.

HeaderKey x-api-key
Value guid supplied by iTrust as part of the registration process

Available Cover

Provides a list of contracts that can be covered to display within your app. Example Call:

curl --location --request GET '<INSERT API URL HERE>'/covers \
--header 'x-api-key: <INSERT API KEY HERE>'

Example Response:

		"contractAddress": "0x8B3d70d628Ebd30D4A2ea82DB95bA2e906c71633",
		"name": "bZx",
		"type": "contract",
		"dateAdded": "2020-01-01",
		"logo": "",
		"github": "",
		"messari": "",
		"deprecated": false
		"contractAddress": "0xAF350211414C5DC176421Ea05423F0cC494261fB",
		"name": "Saturn DAO Token",
		"type": "contract",
		"dateAdded": "2020-01-01",
		"logo": "",
		"github": "",
		"messari": "",
		"deprecated": false

Important: If an entry has "deprecated": true skip it. no more covers can be bought on it.

Cover Capacity

Returns the available capacity for a particular contract in ETH. Based on available capacity you can decide whether a cover can be offered or not. (sum assured of that cover < available capacity).

Example Call:

curl --location --request GET '<INSERT API URL HERE>/covers/capacity/0x519b70055af55A007110B4Ff99b0eA33071c720a' \
--header 'x-api-key: <INSERT API KEY HERE>'

Example Response:

	"CapacityETH": "969.08499815197064084",
	"NetStakedNXM": "12682.388440103005167",
	"CapacityLimit": "STAKED_CAPACITY"


Get a signed quote to use as part of the buyCover process Cover period must be a minimum of 30 days and maximum 365 days.

Example Call:

curl --location --request POST '<INSERT API URL HERE>/quote' \
--header 'x-api-key: <INSERT API KEY HERE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "",
"coverAmount": "1",
"currency": "ETH",
"period": "111",
"contractAddress": "0xAF350211414C5DC176421Ea05423F0cC494261fB"

Example Response:

	"id": "0db9c750-64de-4903-a9fc-f8126300f29e",
	"currency": "ETH",   
	"contract": "0xaf350211414c5dc176421ea05423f0cc494261fb",    
	"period": "111",    
	"amount": "1",    
	"signature": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022559216248c765000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000382a9bbd28b5e62100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000602e691a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000177b53cd114000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001cc02f0080320e21a1460bf94ce04d1a2ac0976c1f2ff2ccb20a4c2de9ecf04e2f79c43daf5f7cc49a3c0369a0303ed2455da3640c56a0b21ec3d557ab4b3da03c",    
	"price": "185553314558255737"    

Important returned value id is the user guid required for buyCover and getting a list of covers for a specific user.

Covers Bought For User

Get a list of all covers bought by a specific user.
Example Call:

curl --location --request GET '<INSERT API URL HERE>/covers/<INSERT USERGUID HERE>' \
--header 'x-api-key: <INSERT API KEY HERE>

USERGUID: returned as id from quote

Example Response:

		"coverID": "8",
		"sumAssured": "1",
		"coverPeriod": "111",
		"validUntil": "2021-06-09T11:45:36+01:00",
		"contractAddress": "0xaf350211414c5dc176421ea05423f0cc494261fb",
		"coverAsset": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
		"premiumInNXM": "4.047218451879945761",
		"memberAddress": "0x420eee12f9bb2b1157c8c298a2b183aff3e973b7",
		"claimID": "0",
		"claimAsset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
		"claimStatus": 0,
		"claimPayoutAmount": "0"

Smart Contract

iTrust Insure Smart Contract Network Address





Buy Cover

Allows users to buy NexusMutual cover. For the cover pricing, the contract call currently requires a quote signature provided by the itrust quote engine,

function  buyCover(
	address exchangeAddress,
	address contractAddress,
	address coverAsset,
	uint256 sumAssured,
	uint16 coverPeriod,
	uint8 coverType,
	string memory userGUID,
	bytes calldata coverData 
) external  payable nonReentrant returns (uint256)

coverData: Signature returned from quote api end point userGUID: id returned from quote api end point coverType: 0 (only zero supported)

See examples below for details on implementation.


See the following examples for integrating with our API and smart contract

Installation & Configuration

Environment variables

Before running the example scripts you will need to rename the .env.sample to .env and update the values accordingly. Some values are only available from us when registering your treasury address.

QUOTE_PERIOD=111 // Unit in days

Install Node and project dependencies

To install Node visit the website and follow the instructions. To test the installation was successful you can run the following command which will return your current node version.

$ node -v

When you have confirmed all has installed successfully, navigate to the project root within your terminal and run the following command which will install the dependencies for the example scripts.

$ npm install

Running the scripts

Once you have completed the installation and configuration you will be able to run the scripts located in the examples directory.

Get Covers

Returns a list of covers from the API as detailed above. Located in the examples\getCovers.js script and can be run using the following command.

$ node examples\getCovers.js

Get Cover Capacity

Returns the cover capacity from the API as detailed above. Located in the examples\getCoverCapacity.js script and can be run using the following command.

$ node examples\getCoverCapacity.js

Get Quote

Returns a quote from the API as detailed above. Located in the examples\getQuote.js script and can be run using the following command.

$ node examples\getQuote.js

Get Quote & Buy

Returns a quote from the API and proceeds to purchase with the smart contract. Located in the examples\getQuoteAndBuy.js script and can be run using the following command.

$ node examples\getQuoteAndBuy.js