
Google Ads clicker

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This command-line tool clicks ads for a certain query on Google search using undetected_chromedriver package. Supports proxy, running multiple simultaneous browsers, ad targeting/exclusion, and running in loop.

Old version of the tool can be found in the old_version branch.

  • Requires Python 3.9+
  • Requires Chrome latest version

If this repository reaches to 1024 ⭐, I will add one feature from premium according to poll results.


You can see the all premium features here.

Related post on Medium

How to setup

Run the following commands in the project directory to install the required packages.

  • python -m venv env
  • source env/bin/activate
  • python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

See here for setup on Windows.

See here for creating the Docker image manually.

How to run

  • You need to see (env) at the beginning of your command prompt that is showing virtual environment is activated.

  • Before running the below commands for the first time, run python ad_clicker.py -q test once and end it by pressing CTRL+C after seeing the browser opened.

usage: python ad_clicker.py [-h] [-q QUERY] [-e EXCLUDES] [-l MAX_SCROLL_LIMIT] [--headless] [-p PROXY] [-pf PROXY_FILE] [--auth] [--incognito]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                                       show this help message and exit
  -q QUERY, --query QUERY                                          Search query
  -l MAX_SCROLL_LIMIT, --max_scroll_limit MAX_SCROLL_LIMIT         Number of maximum scrolls on the search results page
  --headless                                                       Use headless browser (not recommended)
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY                                          Use the given proxy in ip:port format
  -pf PROXY_FILE, --proxy_file PROXY_FILE                          Select a proxy from the given file
  --auth                                                           Use proxy with username and password. If this is passed,
                                                                   proxy parameter should be in "username:password@host:port" format
  -e EXCLUDES, --excludes EXCLUDES                                 Exclude the ads that contain given words in url or title
  --incognito                                                      Run in incognito mode. Disables proxy usage.
  -qf QUERY_FILE, --query_file QUERY_FILE                          Read queries to search from the given file (valid for multiprocess run)
  -bc BROWSER_COUNT, --browser_count BROWSER_COUNT                 Maximum number of browsers to run concurrently (valid for multiprocess run)
  -ms MULTIPROCESS_STYLE, --multiprocess_style MULTIPROCESS_STYLE  Style of the multiprocess run. (valid for multiprocess run)
                                                                   1: different query on each browser (default)
                                                                   2: same query on each browser

python ad_clicker.py -q <search query> [-e EXCLUDES] [-l MAX_SCROLL_LIMIT] [--headless] [-p PROXY] [-pf PROXY_FILE] [--auth] [--incognito]


"~/" represents home folder on Linux/Mac. If you use Windows, don't use it.
If you put your files into project directory, you can just specify the file name,
otherwise you should give the full path.
  • Search for "wireless keyboard" with the default 4 seconds visit time on clicked ad pages.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard"
  • Search for "wireless keyboard" with maximum scroll set to 5.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" -l 5

    • By default(0), it will scroll until the end.

  • Search for "wireless keyboard" using headless browser.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" --headless
  • Search for "wireless keyboard" using the given proxy without authentication.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" -p host:port
  • Search for "wireless keyboard" using the given proxy with authentication.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" --auth -p username:password@host:port
  • Search for "wireless keyboard" using a proxy from the given file.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" -pf ~/proxies.txt
  • Search for "wireless speaker" and click links that include the given filter words in url or title.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless speaker@amazon#ebay # mediamarkt"

    • Spaces around "@" and "#" are ignored, so both "wireless speaker@amazon#ebay" and "wireless speaker @ amazon # ebay" take "wireless speaker" as search query and "amazon" and "ebay" as filter words.

    • If you will give a target domain as filter word, don't use "http" or "www" parts in it. Use like "query@domainname.com" or even "query@domainname". Keep it as short as possible to get a match.

  • Search for "wireless speaker" and click links except the ones containing the given words in url or title.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless speaker" -e "amazon.com,mediamarkt.com,for 2022,Soundbar"

    • Separate multiple exclude items with comma.

  • Run browser in incognito mode.

    • python ad_clicker.py -q "wireless speaker" --incognito

    • Note that the proxy extension is not enabled in incognito mode.

  • Run multiple browsers by taking queries and proxies with authentication from the given files.

    • python run_ad_clicker.py -qf ~/queries.txt --auth -pf ~/proxies.txt

    • You can see example queries in sample_queries.txt file.

  • Run multiple browsers by taking queries and proxies with authentication from the given files and pass exclude words.

    • python run_ad_clicker.py -qf ~/queries.txt --auth -pf ~/proxies.txt -e "amazon.com,mediamarkt.com,for 2022"
  • Run multiple browsers by taking queries and proxies without authentication from the given files with 5 browsers.

    • python run_ad_clicker.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt -bc 5

    • If -bc(--browser_count) option is not given, the number of cpu cores is used.

  • Run multiple browsers by taking queries and proxies from the given files using alternative multiprocess style.

    • python run_ad_clicker.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt -ms 2

    • 1: each browser instance gets a different query from file (default) (e.g. 5 browsers search the first 5 queries from the file. After they are completed, second group of 5 browsers search the next 5 queries from the file and so on)

    • 2: multiple browser instances get the same query (e.g. 5 browsers search the first query from file. After they are completed, second group of 5 browsers search the second query and so on)

    • If the number of queries or proxies are less than the number of browsers to run, they are cycled.

Multiprocess Run

  • Run the tool in loop.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth

    • Query and proxy files are required for this command.

    • Default wait time between runs is 60 seconds.

  • Run the tool in loop with given number of browser instances.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth -bc 4
  • Run the tool in loop with given number of browser instances and maximum scroll set to 10.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth -bc 4 -l 10
  • Run the tool in loop with given number of browser instances and 2 minutes wait between runs.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth -bc 2 -wt 120

    • Wait time parameter should be in seconds.

  • Run the tool in loop with given number of browser instances and pass exclude words.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth -bc 2 -e "amazon.com,mediamarkt.com,for 2022"
  • Run the tool in loop using alternative multiprocess style.

    • python run_in_loop.py -qf ~/queries.txt -pf ~/proxies.txt --auth -ms 2

How to run Docker image on Linux

  • If you want to use the prebuilt image from DockerHub, you can use the following command.

    • docker pull codenineeight/ad_clicker_docker
  • Run the following command on your host machine once.

    • xhost local:docker
  • Create a volume for the input files

    • docker volume create ad_clicker_files
  • Add your queries and proxies files to the created volume

    • docker run -v ad_clicker_files:/data -v <queries.txt folder path>:/mnt/host alpine cp /mnt/host/queries.txt /data/

    • docker run -v ad_clicker_files:/data -v <proxies.txt folder path>:/mnt/host alpine cp /mnt/host/proxies.txt /data/

    • Check if the files are copied successfully

      docker run --rm -v ad_clicker_files:/data alpine ls -l /data

      -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           165 Apr  1 09:25 proxies.txt
      -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           216 Apr  1 09:25 queries.txt
  • You can pass the arguments as before after the image name(in this case codenineeight/ad_clicker_docker)

    • docker run --rm -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v ad_clicker_files:/data codenineeight/ad_clicker_docker run_ad_clicker.py -qf /data/queries.txt --auth -pf /data/proxies.txt -bc 2

    • docker run --rm -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY codenineeight/ad_clicker_docker ad_clicker.py -q "wireless keyboard" -p username:password@host:port --auth

Support & Premium Version


If you benefit from this tool, please consider donating using the sponsor links or following crypto addresses.

  • ETH: 0x461c1B3bd9c3E2d949C56670C088465Bf3457F4B
  • USDT: 0x1a4f06937100Dc704031386667D731Bea0670aaf