
Quick hack to deploy grafana on heroku w. postgres add-on

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Grafana for Heroku Deployment

Grafana binaries ready for deployment on heroku with postgres add-on. For completeness this repository contains both sources and binaries.


The start.js script will setup database and server port configuration using DATABASE_URL and PORT environment variables.

All other configuration parameters can be specified using environment variables see: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/

Common configuration environment variables:

GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=''               # Admin username
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=''           # Admin password
GF_SECURITY_SECRET_KEY=''               # Secret for signing

GF_USERS_ALLOW_SIGN_UP='false'          # Allow users to sign-up
GF_USERS_ALLOW_ORG_CREATE='false'       # Allow users to create new orgs
GF_USERS_AUTO_ASSIGN_ORG='true'         # Auto-assign users to default org
GF_USERS_AUTO_ASSIGN_ORG_ROLE='Viewer'  # Set default role to viewer

GF_ANALYTICS_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UA_ID=''  # Google Analytics tracking code

GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_ENABLED='enable'         # Enable authentication with Google
GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID='...'          # Client ID from API project
GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET='...'      # Client secret from API project
GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_ALLOWED_DOMAINS=''       # Allows domains, eg. mozilla.com
GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_ALLOW_SIGN_UP='true'     # Allow authenticated users to sign-up


Grafana is distributed under Apache 2.0 License.