#test runner: https://jestjs.io/en/

#test framework: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer

#run tests: Open src/tests/{filename} => click run on describe or it level(describe level run all suite tests, it level run single test)

To run all tests in parallel (for example in CI) go to package.json scripts => testParall. To run sequentially package.json scripts => testInOrder

If you setup CI job don't forget to set CI=true otherwise tests will be run in watch mode

#project structure: Create BasePage with common methods

For any Page create new {Page}.js file extended from BasePage.js

Add selectors to selectors.js to appropriate part

To change default timeout go to package.json => jest => testTimeout

#Headless mode: If you want to run tests in headless mode you must to got to testfiles and set headless: true

#XPATH selectors: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_syntax.asp

#CSS Selectors: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp

Please note that import/export modules are available only after configuring babel and webPack https://dev.to/alecgodwin/how-to-setup-webpack-and-babel-for-es6-dpk (THIS PROJECT IS ALREADY SETUP TO SUPPORT MODULES)