
Repository Task with GitHub API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Repositories WebTask App

This task involved building a web app using React and TypeScript that connects to the GitHub API. Users can search and filter GitHub repositories. It's responsive, well-structured, and includes extra features like tests and deployment on Netlify.
Cypress Testing: Tested the application using Cypress to ensure it functions correctly and to identify and address potential issues.
TypeScript Usage: Used TypeScript for an organized codebase and safer development.
CSS Styling: Applied CSS for an attractive and user-friendly design.
TypeScript for Header and Sidebar: TypeScript was used for improved code readability.
Component-Based Structure: The code is structured into components, enhancing modularity.
GraphQL and Apollo Client: I employed GraphQL and Apollo Client for efficient data retrieval.
Beautiful Activity Chart: A visually appealing chart displays user activity.
Rendering Repositories and Branches: Repositories, their branches, and programming languages are presented.
Filtering and Result Count: Users can filter repositories, and result counts are shown.
Clear Button: A button is available for clearing filters.
Netlify Deployment: The project is hosted on Netlify for accessibility and availability.