
Good wordpress docker development environment for build wordpress theme and plugins

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A simplified yet refined Docker Compose workflow of containers for local WordPress development.

🏠 WP Environment

WordPress always gets the latest version.

  • WP ver latest
  • PHP ver 8.0
  • WP-CLI
  • Mariadb ver 10.5.8
  • Phpmyadmin

🐶 Usage Environment

😌 Usage

To get started, make sure you have Docker installed on your system, and then clone this repository.

  1. Copy and past .env.exeplmle to your ROOT directory and change name for new file to .env.
  2. Next, navigate in your terminal to the directory you cloned this, and spin up the containers for the web server by running.
docker-compose up -d

After that completes, get your WordPress installation in to /wordpress folder.

Next you can open your WordPress site

  • wp frontend

open in browser http://localhost/

  • wp admin

open in browser http://localhost/wp-admin/


user : admin
password : password

Also, you can open your phpmyadmin db visualiser

  • phpmyadmin

open in browser http://localhost:8081/

👀 Document