============= Description ========== This program can receive TUIO messages and create midi messages. It's possible to simulate a keyboard, start midi files, record phrases and it's easy to create new touchpad (called areas) functions. GridMusic fills the gap beetween TUIO generators like the Kinect driven 'KincetGrid'¹ or 'Space Palette'² by Tim Thompson and midi devices. The program is written in the Keykit programming language and requires Keykit³. Keykit is available for certain machines (e.g. Windows 95/98/NT/W2K/XP and x86-Linux). Required TUIO message form: /tuio/25Dblb set [areaid*1000+handid] [x] [y] [z] ; x,y,z ∈[0,1] Created 2012 by Olaf Schulz ( funwithkinect@googlemail.com ). ============= Install =================== See INSTALL. ============= Usage =================== 0. Look at kinect.k 1. Set OSCPORT (default 3335) to your desired port. 2. Write a class MYAREA (or use the examples in the kinect_areas*-files) which inherit from area 3. Create an instance of your area myarea = new MYAREA([...]) and call looper([1=myarea], []) Now, all updates of area 1 will call the update handler of myarea… 4. Look at the settings*() methodes in kinect.k for some examples. I.e. setting0() connect the first area with a simple major scale. 5. Some example areas: •area_piano : Plays one note. Pitch, duration and volume is selected by hand position. •area_playmidi : Require list of midi files. Play & Stop midis if area is touched. •area_bpm : Change the global bpm. •area_volume : Change the global volume. Sends osc message with new volume. •area_stepfile : Like piano class but plays the n-th note of some given phrase. •area_setting_switcher : Switch between different settings (=allocation of areas). ============ Licence =================== LGPLv3, see COPYING. ============================================= ¹) https://github.com/YggdrasiI/KinectGrid ²) http://spacepalette.com/ ³) http://nosuch.com/keykit/