
Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePython

Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks

By Yihui He (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Xiangyu Zhang and Jian Sun (Megvii)
ICCV 2017

In this repository, we illustrate channel pruning VGG-16 4X with our 3C method. After finetuning, the Top-5 accuracy is 89.9% (suffers no performance degradation).

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Structured simplification methods Channel pruning (d)


If you find the code useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks},
  author={He, Yihui and Zhang, Xiangyu and Sun, Jian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06168},


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Channel Pruning and finetuning
  4. Pruned models for download


  1. Python3 packages you might not have: scipy, sklearn, easydict
  2. For finetuning with 128 batch size, 4 GPUs (~11G of memory)

Installation (sufficient for the demo)

  1. Clone the repository

    # Make sure to clone with --recursive
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/yihui-he/channel-pruning.git
  2. Build my Caffe fork

    cd caffe
    # If you're experienced with Caffe and have all of the requirements installed, then simply do:
    make -j8 && make pycaffe
    # Or follow the Caffe installation instructions here:
    # http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html
  3. Download ImageNet classification dataset http://www.image-net.org/download-images

  4. Specify imagenet source path in temp/vgg.prototxt (line 12 and 36)

Channel Pruning

For fast testing, you can directly download pruned model. See next section

  1. Download the original VGG-16 model http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/very_deep/caffe/VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers.caffemodel
    move it to temp/vgg.caffemodel (or create a softlink instead)

  2. Start Channel Pruning

    python3 train.py -action c3 -caffe [GPU0]
    # or log it with ./run.sh python3 train.py -action c3 -caffe [GPU0]
    # replace [GPU0] with actual GPU device like 0,1 or 2
  3. Combine some factorized layers for further compression, and calculate the acceleration ratio

    ./combine.sh | xargs ./calflop.sh
  4. Finetuning

    ./finetune.sh [GPU0,GPU1,GPU2,GPU3]
    # replace [GPU0,GPU1,GPU2,GPU3] with actual GPU device like 0,1,2,3
  5. Testing Though testing is done while finetuning, you can test anytime with:

    caffe test -model path/to/prototxt -weights path/to/caffemodel -iterations 5000 -gpu [GPU0]
    # replace [GPU0] with actual GPU device like 0,1 or 2

Pruned models (for download)

For fast testing, you can directly download pruned model from release: https://github.com/yihui-he/channel-pruning/releases/download/VGG-16_3C4x/channel_pruning_VGG-16_3C4x.zip
Test with:

caffe test -model channel_pruning_VGG-16_3C4x.prototxt -weights channel_pruning_VGG-16_3C4x.caffemodel -iterations 5000 -gpu [GPU0]
# replace [GPU0] with actual GPU device like 0,1 or 2