Primary LanguagePython

VRDL_HW1: Bird Image Classification

This is homework 1 in NYCU Selected Topics in Visual Recognition using Deep Learning.



  • CUDA version 10.1
  • pytorch = 1.5.1
  • torchvision = 0.6.1
  • ml-collection
  • scipy
  • tensorboard

Or build the environment via:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Prepare Dataset

Put the train image in the train folder: ./dataset/train Put the test image in the test folder: ./dataset/test The dataset folder should be like:


Training Code

  1. I follow the related work FFVT to use the Vision Transformer as my backbone model. The official pre-trained (on ImageNet21K) weight can be downloaded in https://github.com/jeonsworld/ViT-pytorch In my experiments, I use the weight of ViT-B_16.npz trained on ImageNet21K.
  2. Train the model on the given Bird Dataset. I run our experiments on 2x1080Ti with bacth size of 4 for each card.
  $ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 2 train.py --name [your exp name] --output_dir [your output dir] --dataset CUB_HW --model_type ViT-B_16 --pretrained_dir ./ViT-B_16.npz --img_size 448 --resize_size 600 --train_batch_size 4 --eval_batch_size 4 --learning_rate 0.02 --num_steps 10000 --eval_every 200 --feature_fusion

Evaluation code

Evaluate the model on the test data.

  $ python inference.py --name Test --output_dir Submission_check --dataset CUB_HW --model_type ViT-B_16 --pretrained_dir [path to your pre-trained model] --img_size 448 --resize_size 600 --eval_batch_size 4 --feature_fusion

Download Pretrained Models

Here is the model weight of my final submission. Please download the weights and run the above evaluation code.


My howework references the codes in the following repos. Thanks for thier works and sharing.