CS231n project, Spring 2019
Experiments with different models for object detection on the Pascal VOC 2007 dataset.
See model/ directory for models: SSD300 and SSCoD. See https://github.com/samirsen/small-object-detection/ for Faster R-CNN+GAN
The implementation of the novel spatial co-occurrence layer is in model/cooc_layers.py. This is an extension of the convolutional co-occurrence layer from Shih et al. 2017 (CVPR) for generating local spatial cross-correlation signals.
PyTorch >=1.0 with torchvision, image processing libraries (PIL, cv2). Python 3.7 Anaconda distribution.
Set hyperparameters in config.json.
python train.py -c config.json
Model checkpoints are automatically saved. Resume training with
python train.py -r saved/models/path-to-checkpoint.pth
After training, a selected model can be used for testing with e.g.
python test.py -r saved/models/path-to-checkpoint.pth
Remaining scripts in root directory are self-explanatory, e.g. producing images with bounding boxes.
The following repos were essential to our work: https://github.com/victoresque/pytorch-template https://github.com/sgrvinod/a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Object-Detection
The basic project backbone (loggers, model saving, base classes) was adapted from the first repo. I wrote the data loading and preprocessing and all the model components, and rewrote the trainer module. Some helper functions were closely adapted from the tutorial in the second link, which also guided me in writing the models and loss modules. The torchvision transforms are set up to take only images but not corresponding bounding boxes so these were subclassed and updated. The SSCoD model was written from scratch with help from useful PyTorch forum posts.