
Minimalist BERT implementation assignment for CS11-711

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

minbert Assignment

by Shuyan Zhou, Zhengbao Jiang, Ritam Dutt and Brendon Boldt

This is an exercise in developing a minimalist version of BERT, part of Carnegie Mellon University's CS11-711 Advanced NLP.

In this assignment, you will implement some important components of the BERT model to better understanding its architecture. You will then perform sentence classification on sst dataset and cfimdb dataset with the BERT model.

Assignment Details

Important Notes

  • Follow setup.sh to properly setup the environment and install dependencies.
  • There is a detailed description of the code structure in structure.md, including a description of which parts you will need to implement.
  • You are only allowed to use libraries that are installed by setup.sh, no other external libraries are allowed (e.g., transformers).
  • We will run your code with the following commands, so make sure that whatever your best results are reproducible using these commands (where you replace ANDREWID with your lowercase Andrew ID):
    • Do not change any of the existing command options (including defaults) or add any new required parameters
mkdir -p ANDREWID

python3 classifier.py --option [pretrain/finetune] --epochs NUM_EPOCHS --lr LR --train data/sst-train.txt --dev data/sst-dev.txt --test data/sst-test.txt

Reference accuracies:

Pretraining for SST: Dev Accuracy: 0.391 (0.007) Test Accuracy: 0.403 (0.008)

Mean reference accuracies over 10 random seeds with their standard deviation shown in brackets.

Finetuning for SST: Dev Accuracy: 0.515 (0.004) Test Accuracy: 0.526 (0.008)

Finetuning for CFIMDB: Dev Accuracy: 0.966 (0.007) Test Accuracy: -


We are asking you to submit in two ways:

  1. Canvas: a full code package, which will be checked by the TAs in the 1-2 weeks after the assignment for its executability.
  2. ExplainaBoard: which will grade your assignment immediately, so you can make sure that your accuracy matches what you would expect.

Canvas Submission

For submission via Canvas, the submission file should be a zip file with the following structure (assuming the lowercase Andrew ID is ANDREWID):

├── base_bert.py
├── bert.py
├── classifier.py
├── config.py
├── optimizer.py
├── sanity_check.py
├── tokenizer.py
├── utils.py
├── README.md
├── structure.md
├── sanity_check.data
├── sst-dev-output.txt 
├── sst-test-output.txt 
├── cfimdb-dev-output.txt 
├── cfimdb-test-output.txt 
└── setup.py

prepare_submit.py can help to create(1) or check(2) the to-be-submitted zip file. It will throw assertion errors if the format is not expected, and submissions that fail this check will be graded down.


  1. To create and check a zip file with your outputs, run python3 prepare_submit.py path/to/your/output/dir ANDREWID
  2. To check your zip file, run python3 prepare_submit.py path/to/your/submit/zip/file.zip ANDREWID

Please double check this before you submit to Canvas; most recently we had about 10/100 students lose a 1/3 letter grade because of an improper submission format.

ExplainaBoard Submission

To submit your outputs via ExplainaBoard, first click the top-right of the site to log in, and then again click the top-right to view your API key. Run the following to save your email and API key to environmental variables:

export EB_EMAIL=your_email_used_for_explainaboard
export EB_API_KEY=your_api_key_for_explainaboard
export EB_ANDREW_ID=your_andrew_id

Now you can upload the outputs of your model with the upload_results.py script. There are the following options.

  • --system_name a name that you can choose for your system. Your final system name will be anlp_{andrewid}_{system_name}.
  • --dataset the dataset name (sst/cfimdb).
  • --split the split (dev/test).
  • --output the system output you're uploading.
  • --public if you want your output listed on the public site so people in the class can compare and contrast with it add this flag. But it is off by default (and has no effect on your grade).

Here is an example of uploading all of the datasets with a system name of baseline.

python upload_results.py --system_name baseline --dataset sst --split dev --output sst-dev-output.txt
python upload_results.py --system_name baseline --dataset sst --split test --output sst-test-output.txt
python upload_results.py --system_name baseline --dataset cfimdb --split dev --output cfimdb-dev-output.txt
python upload_results.py --system_name baseline --dataset cfimdb --split test --output cfimdb-test-output.txt

You can then go to the ExplainaBoard systems page to confirm that the results are uploaded properly.


  • A+: You additionally implement something else on top of the requirements for A, and achieve significant accuracy improvements. Please write down the things you implemented and experiments you performed in the report. You are also welcome to provide additional materials such as commands to run your code in a script and training logs.
  • A: You implement all the missing pieces and the original classifier.py with --option pretrain and --option finetune code that achieves comparable accuracy to our reference implementation.
  • A-: You implement all the missing pieces and the original classifier.py with --option pretrain and --option finetune code but accuracy is not comparable to the reference.
  • B+: All missing pieces are implemented and pass tests in sanity_check.py (bert implementation) and optimizer_test.py (optimizer implementation)
  • B or below: Some parts of the missing pieces are not implemented.

If your results can be confirmed through ExplainaBoard, but there are problems with your code submitted through Canvas, such as not being properly formatted, not executing in the appropriate amount of time, etc., you will be graded down 1/3 grade.

All assignments must be done individually and we will be running plagiarism detection on your code. If we confirm that any code was plagiarized from that of other students in the class, you will be subject to strict measure according to CMUs academic integrity policy.


Parts of the code are from the transformers library (Apache License 2.0).