
The GitHub repository for the algorithm in Grok project for SWEN90013 in 2021, MSE, Unimelb

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A test repo for setting up CICD from a node application to be published on heroku


npm install


docker build . -t node-docker-heroku-cicd


docker run -p 3001:3001 node-docker-heroku-cicd npm run test  


docker run -p 3001:3001 node-docker-heroku-cicd npm run start


go to [https://localhost:3001] for Swagger UI API documentation go to [https://localhost:3001/api-docs]

Browse api documentation

go to [https://localhost:3000/api-docs] or see [https://ag-2021-server.herokuapp.com/api-docs/#/]


find container ID

docker ps

using container ID from previous command

docker stop <container ID>

Building the client

This project uses OpenAPI Generator to generate client code for the Algorithm API

There is a GitHub action configured to generate and publish this client to the NPM registry, if for some reason you need to do this manually follow the steps below.

Generate the client

npx openapi-generator-cli generate -g javascript --additional-properties=usePromises=true -o client -i ./src/public/api.json

this client can then be published to the NPM registry to be used by the UI, you will require an NPM account to publish

if you have not added your user credentials to local NPM yet you will need to do that first, follow the prompts after invoking the following

npm adduser

log into NPM registry

npm login


npm publish

it is not possible to republish packages to the NPM registry, if you need to publish changes be sure to update the version according to semver rules, most likely you will just need to bump the patch version of the OpenAPI specification at /src/api.json