
A set of tools for GTA:V to read image names, and construct a consolidated list of information for given tops, torsos, and undershirts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GTA:V Top Categorizer

What I've come to realize about how Rockstar organizes clothing for GTA:V is that it doesn't make any sense.

This is a set of tools that lets you organize images of tops, torsos, and undershirts to put them into different categories.


Please understand this is an opinionated list from Stuyk. It may not be 100% accurate, but it'll be damn near close. Plus, it's open source. You can use this but please understand this took a lot of work to understand.

Don't claim it as your own, you didn't do the work.

At least throw some credit out there.

Check out the Rebar Framework for alt:V.


Tops (11) are classified in 1 of 6 categories.

  • empty
    • This means no clothes are worn
  • monster
    • This is anything that has to do with costumes
  • none
    • This top requires no undershirt
  • open
    • This top requires a full undershirt from neck to waist
  • partial
    • This top requires an undershirt from neck to chest
  • vest
    • This top requires sleeves, or nothing


Torsos are categorized based on the first 15 torsos available for GTA:V.

All torsos can effectively be categorized into 1 of the 16 categories of torsos. This includes gloves.

However, an additional category 16 is used for the monster category.


Undershirts are categorized just like tops are categorized.

  • empty
    • This means no clothes are worn
  • monster
    • This is anything that has to do with costumes
  • none
    • vests, police batons, etc. pretty much fits on any perfectly fit clothing
  • open
    • neck to waist undershirt
  • partial
    • neck to chest undershirt
  • vest
    • sleeves, and vest fitting