How to setup (The not-recommended-but-simple-to-explain way)

  • install python3
  • install the pip modules in requirements.txt
  • add the project directory to your PYTHONPATH env variable
  • try running python source/

How to setup (Prefered way)

For Windows

  • Get WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or WSL2
    • If you're not familiar with WSL, I'd recommend watching a quick thing on it like this one
    • Ubuntu 18.04 for WSL is preferred (same as in that linked video), but Ubuntu 20.04 or similar should work.
    • WSL2 (just released August 2020) is needed if you want to use your GPU.
  • Once WSL is installed (and you have a terminal logged into WSL) follow the Mac/Linux instructions below.

For Mac/Linux

  • Install nix (in case something goes wrong; here's the original instructions)
    • Just run the following in your console/terminal app
      • sudo apt-get update 2>/dev/null
      • If you're on MacOS Catalina, run:
        • sh <(curl -L --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume
      • If you're not, run:
        • curl -L | bash
      • source $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
      • (may need to restart console/terminal)
  • Install git
    • (if you don't have git just run nix-env -i git)
  • Clone/Open the project
    • cd wherever-you-want-to-save-this-project
    • git clone
    • cd cv_main
  • Actually run some code
    • run nix-shell to get into the project enviornment
      • Note: this will almost certainly take a while the first time because it will auto-install exact versions of everything: python, pip, the python virtual enviornment, all of the pip modules, and auto-setup the env variables like the PYTHONPATH.
    • run commands to see all of the project commands
    • run python source/_tests/ to try running the main program