
get file in /sdcard/Android/data in Android11 using dotnet 6 and MAUI

Primary LanguageC#


Edit the file in /sdcard/Android/data by C#, dotnet6 and MAUI!

Reference articles: https://www.sohu.com/a/479611641_121124367

All the class is in \Platforms\Android You need to change AndroidManifest.xml Add android:preserveLegacyExternalStorage="true" android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" Add FileHelper.cs is to get, create or delete the file MainActivity.cs is to get the result of requesting permission SAFHelper.cs is to get the file from /sdcard/Android/obb(Untested) or /sdcard/Android/data by SAF SimpleFile.cs is to describe a file StreamCreater.cs is to convert java stream to c sharp stream In fact, you just need to request the permission once. So you need a way to save the permission.