
Fast derivative evaluation

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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FastDifferentiation (FD) is a package for generating efficient executables to evaluate derivatives of Julia functions. It can also generate efficient true symbolic derivatives for symbolic analysis. Unlike forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation FD automatically generates efficient derivatives for arbitrary function types: ℝ¹->ℝ¹, ℝ¹->ℝᵐ, ℝⁿ->ℝ¹, and ℝⁿ->ℝᵐ, m≠1,n≠1.

For f:ℝⁿ->ℝᵐ with n,m large FD may have better performance than conventional AD algorithms because the FD algorithm finds expressions shared between partials and computes them only once. In some cases FD derivatives can be as efficient as manually coded derivatives1.

FD may take much less time to compute symbolic derivatives than Symbolics.jl even in the ℝ¹->ℝ¹ case. The executables generated by FD may also be much faster (see Symbolic Processing)2.

You should consider using FastDifferentiation when you need:

  • a fast executable for evaluating the derivative of a function and the overhead of the preprocessing/compilation time is swamped by evaluation time.
  • to do additional symbolic processing on your derivative. FD can generate a true symbolic derivative to be processed further in Symbolics.jl or another computer algebra system.

This is the FD feature set:

Dense Jacobian Sparse Jacobian Dense Hessian Sparse Hessian Higher order derivatives Jᵀv Jv Hv
Compiled function
Symbolic expression

Jᵀv and Jv compute the Jacobian transpose times a vector and the Jacobian times a vector, without explicitly forming the Jacobian matrix. For applications see this paper.

Hv computes the Hessian times a vector without explicitly forming the Hessian matrix. This can be useful when the Hessian matrix is large and sparse.

If you use FD in your work please share the functions you differentiate with me. I'll add them to the benchmarks. The more functions available to test the easier it is for others to determine if FD will help with their problem.

This is beta software being modified on a daily basis. Expect bugs and frequent, possibly breaking changes, over the next month or so. Documentation is frequently updated so check the latest docs before filing an issue. Your problem may have been fixed and documented.

Examples and basic usage

The first step is to create FD variables which are then passed to the function you want to differentiate. The return value is a graph structure which FD will analyze to generate efficient executables or symbolic expressions.

FD uses a global cache for common subexpression elimination so the FD expression preprocessing step is not thread safe.

Under ordinary conditions the memory used by the cache won't be an issue. But, if you have a long session where you are creating many complex functions it is possible the cache will use too much memory. If this happens call the function clear_cache after you have completely processed your expression.

Set up variables:

using FastDifferentiation

@variables x y z

Make a vector of variables

julia> X = make_variables(:x,3)
3-element Vector{Node}:

Make an executable function

julia> xy_exe = make_function([x^2*y^2,sqrt(x*y)],[x,y]) #[x,y] vector specifies the order of the arguments to the exe

julia> xy_exe([1.0,2.0])
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Compute Hessian:

@variables x y z

julia> h_symb = hessian(x^2+y^2+z^2,[x,y,z])
3×3 Matrix{Node}:
 2    0.0  0.0
 0.0  2    0.0
 0.0  0.0  2

julia> h_symb1 = hessian(x^2*y^2*z^2,[x,y,z])
3×3 Matrix{FastDifferentiation.Node}:
 (2 * ((z ^ 2) * (y ^ 2)))        (((2 * x) * (2 * y)) * (z ^ 2))  (((2 * x) * (2 * z)) * (y ^ 2))
 (((2 * y) * (2 * x)) * (z ^ 2))  (2 * ((z ^ 2) * (x ^ 2)))        (((2 * y) * (2 * z)) * (x ^ 2))
 (((2 * z) * (2 * x)) * (y ^ 2))  (((2 * z) * (2 * y)) * (x ^ 2))  (2 * ((x ^ 2) * (y ^ 2)))

julia> hexe_1 = make_function(h_symb1,[x,y,z])
julia> hexe_1([1.0,2.0,3.0])
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 72.0  72.0  48.0
 72.0  18.0  24.0
 48.0  24.0   8.0

Compute Hv without forming the full Hessian matrix. This is useful if the Hessian is very large

julia> @variables x y

julia> f = x^2 * y^2
((x ^ 2) * (y ^ 2))

julia> hv_fast, v_vec2 = hessian_times_v(f, [x, y])

julia> hv_fast_exe = make_function(hv_fast, [[x, y]; v_vec2]) #need v_vec2 because hv_fast is a function of x,y,v1,v2 and have to specify the order of all inputs to the executable
julia> hv_fast_exe([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]) #first two vector elements are x,y last two are v1,v2
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Compute Jacobian:

julia> f1 = cos(x) * y
(cos(x) * y)

julia> f2 = sin(y) * x
(sin(y) * x)

julia> symb = jacobian([f1, f2], [x, y]) #non-destructive
2×2 Matrix{Node}:
 (y * -(sin(x)))  cos(x)
 sin(y)           (x * cos(y))

Create executable to evaluate Jacobian:

julia> jac_exe = make_function(symb,[x,y])
julia> jac_exe([1.0,2.0])
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.68294    0.540302
  0.909297  -0.416147

Executable with in_place matrix evaluation to avoid allocation of a matrix for the Jacobian (in_place option available on all executables including Jᵀv,Jv,Hv):

julia> jac_exe = make_function(symb,[x,y], in_place=true)
julia> a = Matrix{Float64}(undef,2,2)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0
 0.0  6.93532e-310

julia> jac_exe([1.0,2.0],a)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.68294    0.540302
  0.909297  -0.416147

julia> a
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.68294    0.540302
  0.909297  -0.416147

For out of place evaluation (matrix created and returned by executable function) input vector and return matrix of executable can be any mix of StaticArray and Vector. If the first argument to make_function is a subtype of StaticArray then the compiled executable will return a StaticArray value. The compiled executable can be called with either an SVector or Vector argument. For small input sizes the SVector should be faster, essentially the same as passing the input as scalar values.

For functions with low input and output dimensions the fastest executable will be generated by calling make_function with first argument a subtype of StaticArray and calling the executable with an SVector argument. The usual cautions of StaticArrays apply, that total length of the return value < 100 or so and total length of the input < 100 or so.

julia> @variables x y

julia> j = jacobian([x^2 * y^2, cos(x + y), log(x / y)], [x, y]);

julia> j_exe = make_function(j, [x, y]);

julia> @assert typeof(j_exe([1.0, 2.0])) <: Array #return type is Array and input type is Vector

julia> j_exe2 = make_function(SArray{Tuple{3,2}}(j), [x, y]);

julia> @assert typeof(j_exe2(SVector{2}([1.0, 2.0]))) <: StaticArray #return type is StaticArray and input type is SVector. This should be the fastest.

Compute any subset of the columns of the Jacobian:

julia> symb = jacobian([x*y,y*z,x*z],[x,y,z]) #all columns
3×3 Matrix{Node}:
 y    x    0.0
 0.0  z    y
 z    0.0  x

julia> symb = jacobian([x*y,y*z,x*z],[x,y]) #first two columns
3×2 Matrix{Node}:
 y    x
 0.0  z
 z    0.0

julia> symb = jacobian([x*y,y*z,x*z],[z,y]) #second and third columns, reversed so ∂f/∂z is 1st column of the output, ∂f/∂y the 2nd
3×2 Matrix{Node}:
 0.0  x
 y    z
 x    0.0

Symbolic and executable Jᵀv and Jv (see this paper for applications of this operation).

julia> (f1,f2) = cos(x)*y,sin(y)*x
((cos(x) * y), (sin(y) * x))

julia> jv,vvec = jacobian_times_v([f1,f2],[x,y])

julia> jv_exe = make_function(jv,[[x,y];vvec])

julia> jv_exe([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]) #first 2 arguments are x,y values and last two are v vector values

2×1 Matrix{Float64}:

julia> jTv,rvec = jacobian_transpose_v([f1,f2],[x,y])

julia> jtv_exe = make_function(jTv,[[x,y];rvec])
julia> jtv_exe([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0])
2-element Vector{Float64}:

Convert between FastDifferentiation and Symbolics representations (requires FDConversion package, not released yet2):

julia> f = x^2+y^2 #Symbolics expression
x^2 + y^2

julia> Node(f) #convert to FastDifferentiation form
x^2 + y^2

julia> typeof(ans)
Node{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}, 0}

julia> node_exp = x^3/y^4 #FastDifferentiation expression
((x ^ 3) / (y ^ 4))

julia> to_symbolics(node_exp)
(x^3) / (y^4)

julia> typeof(ans)
Benchmarks (coming soon!)
Symbolic Processing

Symbolic Processing

Because FD can generate true symbolic derivatives it can easily be used in conjunction with Symbolics.jl.

A rule of thumb is that if your function is small (a few hundred operations or less) or tree like (where each node in the expression graph has one parent on average) then Symbolics.jl may outperform or equal FD. For more complex functions with many common subexpressions FD may substantially outperform Symbolics.jl.

These benchmarks should give you a sense of what performance you might achieve for symbolic processing. There are three types of benchmarks: Symbolic, MakeFunction, and Exe.

  • The Symbolic benchmark is the time required to compute just the symbolic form of the derivative. The Symbolic benchmark can be run with simplification turned on or off for Symbolics.jl. If simplification is on then computation time can be extremely long but the resulting expression might be simpler and faster to execute.

  • The MakeFunction benchmark is the time to generate a Julia Expr from an already computed symbolic derivative and to then compile it.

  • The Exe benchmark measures just the time required to execute the compiled function using an in-place matrix.

All benchmarks show the ratio of time taken by Symbolics.jl to FastDifferentiation.jl. Numbers greater than 1 mean FastDifferentiation is faster.

All benchmarks were run on an AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor with 32GB RAM running Windows 11 OS, Julia version 1.9.0.

Chebyshev polynomial

The first example is a recursive function for the Chebyshev polynomial of order n:

@memoize function Chebyshev(n, x)
    if n == 0
        return 1
    elseif n == 1
        return x
        return 2 * (x) * Chebyshev(n - 1, x) - Chebyshev(n - 2, x)

The function is memoized so the recursion executes efficiently.

The recursive function returns an nth order polynomial in the variable x. The derivative of this polynomial would be order n-1 so a perfect symbolic simplification would result in a function with 2*(n-2) operations. For small values of n Symbolics.jl simplification does fairly well but larger values result in very inefficient expressions.

Because FD doesn't do sophisticated symbolic simplification it generates a derivative with approximately 2.4x the number of operations in the original recursive expression regardless of n. This is a case where a good hand generated derivative would be more efficient than FD.

The Chebyshev expression graph does not have many nodes even at the largest size tested (graph size increases linearly with Chebyshev order). For example, here is the graph of the 10th order expression: drawing The complexity arises from the number of different paths from the root to the leaf of the graph.

The first set of three benchmarks show results with simplification turned off in Symbolics.jl, followed by a set of three with simplification turned on. Performance is somewhat better in the latter case but still slower than the FD executable. Note that the y axis is logarithmic.

Chebyshev benchmarks with simplification off

drawing drawing drawing

Chebyshev benchmarks with simplification on


With simplification on performance of the executable derivative function for Symbolics.jl is slightly better than with simplification off. But simplification processing time is longer.

Spherical Harmonics

The second example is the spherical harmonics function. This is the expression graph for the spherical harmonic function of order 8: drawing

Source for spherical harmonics benchmark
@memoize function P(l, m, z)
    if l == 0 && m == 0
        return 1.0
    elseif l == m
        return (1 - 2m) * P(m - 1, m - 1, z)
    elseif l == m + 1
        return (2m + 1) * z * P(m, m, z)
        return ((2l - 1) / (l - m) * z * P(l - 1, m, z) - (l + m - 1) / (l - m) * P(l - 2, m, z))
export P

@memoize function S(m, x, y)
    if m == 0
        return 0
        return x * C(m - 1, x, y) - y * S(m - 1, x, y)
export S

@memoize function C(m, x, y)
    if m == 0
        return 1
        return x * S(m - 1, x, y) + y * C(m - 1, x, y)
export C

function factorial_approximation(x)
    local n1 = x
    sqrt(2 * π * n1) * (n1 / ℯ * sqrt(n1 * sinh(1 / n1) + 1 / (810 * n1^6)))^n1
export factorial_approximation

function compare_factorial_approximation()
    for n in 1:30
        println("n $n relative error $((factorial(big(n))-factorial_approximation(n))/factorial(big(n)))")
export compare_factorial_approximation

@memoize function N(l, m)
    @assert m >= 0
    if m == 0
        return sqrt((2l + 1 / (4π)))
        # return sqrt((2l+1)/2π * factorial(big(l-m))/factorial(big(l+m)))
        #use factorial_approximation instead of factorial because the latter does not use Stirlings approximation for large n. Get error for n > 2 unless using BigInt but if use BigInt get lots of rational numbers in symbolic result.
        return sqrt((2l + 1) / 2π * factorial_approximation(l - m) / factorial_approximation(l + m))
export N

"""l is the order of the spherical harmonic. I think"""
@memoize function Y(l, m, x, y, z)
    @assert l >= 0
    @assert abs(m) <= l
    if m < 0
        return N(l, abs(m)) * P(l, abs(m), z) * S(abs(m), x, y)
        return N(l, m) * P(l, m, z) * C(m, x, y)
export Y

SHFunctions(max_l, x::Node, y::Node, z::Node) = SHFunctions(Vector{Node}(undef, 0), max_l, x, y, z)
SHFunctions(max_l, x::Symbolics.Num, y::Symbolics.Num, z::Symbolics.Num) = SHFunctions(Vector{Symbolics.Num}(undef, 0), max_l, x, y, z)

function SHFunctions(shfunc, max_l, x, y, z)
    for l in 0:max_l-1
        for m in -l:l
            push!(shfunc, Y(l, m, x, y, z))

    return shfunc
export SHFunctions

function spherical_harmonics(::JuliaSymbolics, model_size)
    Symbolics.@variables x y z
    return SHFunctions(model_size, x, y, z), [x, y, z]

function spherical_harmonics(::FastSymbolic, model_size, x, y, z)
    graph = DerivativeGraph(SHFunctions(model_size, x, y, z))
    return graph

function spherical_harmonics(package::FastSymbolic, model_size)
    FD.@variables x, y, z
    return spherical_harmonics(package, model_size, x, y, z)
export spherical_harmonics

As was the case for Chebyshev polynomials the number of paths from the roots to the variables is much greater than the number of nodes in the graph. Once again the y axis is logarithmic.

drawing drawing drawing

The Exe benchmark took many hours to run and was stopped at model size 24 instead of 25 as for the Symbolic and MakeFunction benchmarks.


FD does not support expressions with conditionals on FD variables. For example, you can do this:

julia> f(a,b,c) = a< 1.0 ? cos(b) : sin(c)
f (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> f(0.0,x,y)

julia> f(1.0,x,y)

but you can't do this:

julia> f(a,b) = a < b ? cos(a) : sin(b)
f (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> f(x,y)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching isless(::FastDifferentiation.Node{Symbol, 0}, ::FastDifferentiation.Node{Symbol, 0})

Closest candidates are:
  isless(::Any, ::DataValues.DataValue{Union{}})
   @ DataValues ~/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:291
  isless(::S, ::DataValues.DataValue{T}) where {S, T}
   @ DataValues ~/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:285
  isless(::DataValues.DataValue{Union{}}, ::Any)
   @ DataValues ~/.julia/packages/DataValues/N7oeL/src/scalar/core.jl:293

This is because the call f(x,y) creates an expression graph. At graph creation time the FD variables x,y are unevaluated variables with no specific value so they cannot be compared with any other value.

The algorithm can be extended to work with conditionals applied to FD variables but the processing time and graph size may grow exponentially with conditional nesting depth. A future version may allow for limited conditional nesting. See Future Work for a potential long term solution to this problem.

The preprocessing/compilation step for expressions graphs with more than ≈10⁵ operations may take a minute or more (processing time increase non-linearly with number of expressions so smaller expressions have much shorter preprocessing times). This is due to two factors.

The current code is not memory efficient - it allocates much more than necessary which makes it slower than it should be. Future versions will be more memory efficient.

The code uses BitVector for tracking reachability of function roots and variable nodes. This seemed like a good idea when I began and thought FD would only be practical for modest size expressions (<10⁴ operations). But, it scaled better than expected and for larger graphs the memory overhead of the BitVector representation is significant. Using Set instead of BitVector for larger graphs should significantly reduce symbolic processing time.

How it works

The FD differentiation algorithm is related to the D* algorithm but is asymptotically faster so it works on much larger expression graphs. The new algorithms used in FD will be described in a soon to be written paper.

FD transforms the input expression graph into a derivative graph3, and then factors this graph to generate an efficient expression for the derivative. This is fundamentally different from forward and reverse automatic differentiation.

The efficiency of FD comes from analysis of the graph structure of the function rather than sophisticated algebraic simplification rules. By default FD applies only these algebraic simplications4 to expressions:

  • x×0=>0
  • x×1=>x
  • x/1=>x
  • x+0=>x
  • c₁×c₂=>c₃ for c₁,c₂,c₃ constants
  • c₁+c₂=>c₃ for c₁,c₂,c₃ constants
  • c₁×(c₂×x) => (c₁×c₂)×x for c₁,c₂ constants

These rules are generally safe in the sense of obeying IEEE floating point arithmetic rules. However if the runtime value of x happens to be NaN or Inf the FD expression x*0 will identically return 0, because it will have been rewritten to 0 by the simplification rules. The expected IEEE result is NaN.

Future work

The top priority work item is reducing memory allocations and improving performance of the preprocessing step.

The FD algorithm is fast enough to preprocess expression graphs with ≈10⁵ operations in approximately 1 minute on a modern laptop. This is a one time step to generate compiled derivative functions which, of course, take far less than 1 minute to execute. Preprocessing time scales non-linearly with expression size so smaller graphs take much less time.

However, LLVM compile time can be significant at this scale. For expressions this size and larger DynamicExpressions.jl might be a better tradeoff between compile and execution time. This would be especially useful when your function is changing frequently so compilation overhead cannot be amortized across many derivative evaluations.

FD cannot differentiate expressions with conditionals involving FD variables. The algorithm can be extended to allow this but symbolic processing can scale exponentially with the nesting depth of conditionals. For small nesting depths this might be acceptable so a future version of FD might support limited nested conditionals.

However, a better approach might be to use FD as a processing step in a tracing JIT compiler, applying FD to the basic blocks detected and compiled by the JIT. These basic blocks do not have branches. Many programs could be differentiated competely automatically by this method. I'm not a compiler expert so it is unlikely I will do this by myself. But contact me if you are a compiler expert and want a cool project to work on.


  1. See the Lagrangian dynamics example in the D* paper.

  2. I am working with the SciML team to see if it is possible to integrate FD differentiation directly into Symbolics.jl. 2

  3. See the D* paper for an explanation of derivative graph factorization.

  4. More rules may be added in future versions of FD to improve efficiency.