
The repository for a thorough empirical evaluation of pre-trained vision model performance across different downstream policy learning methods.

Primary LanguagePython

For Pre-Trained Vision Models in Motor Control, Not All Policy Learning Methods are Created Equal

This is a repository containing the code for the paper:

For Pre-Trained Vision Models in Motor Control, Not All Policy Learning Methods are Created Equal. ICML 2023 Yingdong Hu, Renhao Wang, Li Erran Li, and Yang Gao


Dependency Setup

  • Install the following libraries
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3
  • Set up Environment
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
conda activate pvm
  • Install PyTorch, torchvision and timm following official instructions. For example:
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install timm==0.4.5
  • Install MuJoCo version 2.1 and mujoco-py
  1. Please follow the instructions in the mujoco-py package.
  2. You should make sure that the GPU version of mujoco-py gets built, so that image rendering is fast. An easy way to ensure this is to clone the mujoco-py repository, change this line to Builder = LinuxGPUExtensionBuilder, and install from source by running pip install -e . in the mujoco-py root directory. You can also download our changed mujoco-py package and install from source.
  • Install Meta-World

Download the package from here.

pip install -e /path/to/dir/metaworld
  • Install Robosuite

We use the offline_study branch of Robosuite, dowload it from here.

pip install -e /path/to/dir/robosuite-offline_study
  • Install Franka-Kitchen

Please follow the instructions in the R3M repository. Unilke R3M, we only randomize the pose of the robot arm between episodes but not the kitchen. So be be sure to add the line


here https://github.com/vikashplus/mj_envs/blob/stable/mj_envs/envs/relay_kitchen/__init__.py#L160. Note that we use RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT instead of RANDOM_DESK_ENTRY_POINT.

Download Pre-Trained Vision Models

Model Architecture Highlights Link
MoCo v2 ResNet-50 Contrastive learning, momentum encoder download
SwAV ResNet-50 Contrast online cluster assignments download
SimSiam ResNet-50 Without negative pairs download
DenseCL ResNet-50 Dense contrastive learning, learn local features download
PixPro ResNet-50 Pixel-level pretext task, learn local features download
VICRegL ResNet-50 Learn global and local features download
VFS ResNet-50 Encode temporal dynamics download
R3M ResNet-50 Learn visual representations for robotics download
VIP ResNet-50 Learn representations and reward for robotics download
MoCo v3 ViT-B/16 Contrastive learning for ViT download
DINO ViT-B/16 Self-distillation with no labels download
MAE ViT-B/16 Masked image modeling (MIM) download
iBOT ViT-B/16 Combine self-distillation with MIM download
CLIP ViT-B/16 Language-supervised pre-training download

After downloading a pre-trained vision model, place it under PVM-Robotics/pretrained/ folder. Please don't modify the file names of these checkpoints.

Download Expert Demonstrations

  • Download the expert demonstrations for all tasks from here.
  • Unzip expert_demos.zip and place the expert_demos directory into PVM-Robotics/expert_demos.
  • set the path/to/dir portion of the root_dir path variable in cfgs/config.yaml to the path of the PVM-Robotics repository.

Train Agents

Reinforcement learning


python train_rl.py \
agent=drqv2 \
suite=metaworld \
suite/metaworld_task=hammer \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
replay_buffer_size=500000 suite.num_seed_frames=4000 batch_size=512 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=RL
  • suite/metaworld_task can be set to hammer, drawer_close, door_open, bin_picking, button_press_topdown, window_close, lever_pull, and coffee_pull.
  • When agent.backbone is set to resnet, agent.embedding_name can be set to mocov2-resnet50, simsiam-resnet50, swav-resnet50, densecl-resnet50, pixpro-resnet50, vicregl-resnet50, vfs-resnet50, r3m-resnet50, and vip-resnet50_VIPfc.
  • When agent.backbone is set to vit, agent.embedding_name can be set to mocov3-vit-b16, dino-vit-b16, ibot-vit-b16, clip-vit-b16, and mae-vit-b16.


python train_rl.py \
agent=drqv2 \
suite=robosuite \
suite/robosuite_task=panda_door \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
replay_buffer_size=500000 suite.num_seed_frames=4000 batch_size=512 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=RL
  • suite/robosuite_task can be set to panda_door, panda_lift, panda_twoarm_peginhole, panda_pickplace_can, panda_nut_assembly_square, jaco_door, jaco_lift, and jaco_twoarm_peginhole.


python train_rl.py \
agent=drqv2 \
suite=kitchen \
suite/kitchen_task=turn_knob \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
num_train_frames_drq=1100000 replay_buffer_size=500000 suite.num_seed_frames=4000 batch_size=512 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=RL
  • suite/kitchen_task can be set to turn_knob, turn_light_on, slide_door, open_door, and open_micro.
  • We train RL agents for 1.1M environment steps on Franka-Kitchen.

Imitation learning through behavior cloning


python train_bc.py \
agent=bc \
suite=metaworld \
suite/metaworld_task=hammer \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
num_demos=25 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=BC
  • For Meta-World, the maximum value of num_demos is 25.


python train_bc.py \
agent=bc \
suite=robosuite \
suite/robosuite_task=panda_door \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
num_demos=50 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=BC
  • For Robosuite, the maximum value of num_demos is 50.


python train_bc.py \
agent=bc \
suite=kitchen \
suite/kitchen_task=turn_knob \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
num_demos=25 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=BC
  • For Franka-Kitchen, the maximum value of num_demos is 25.

Imitation learning with a visual reward function


python train_vrf.py \
agent=potil \
suite=metaworld \
suite/metaworld_task=hammer \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
bc_regularize=true num_demos=1 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=VRF


python train_vrf.py \
agent=potil \
suite=robosuite \
suite/robosuite_task=panda_door \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
bc_regularize=true num_demos=1 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=VRF


python train_vrf.py \
agent=potil \
suite=kitchen \
suite/kitchen_task=turn_knob \
agent.backbone=resnet \
agent.embedding_name=mocov2-resnet50 \
bc_regularize=true num_demos=1 \
use_wandb=true seed=1 exp_prefix=VRF


We have modified and integrated the code from ROT and DrQ-v2 into this project.


If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation:

  title={For Pre-Trained Vision Models in Motor Control, Not All Policy Learning Methods are Created Equal},
  author={Hu, Yingdong and Wang, Renhao and Li, Li Erran and Gao, Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04591},