- abhishtagatyaAdvotics
- afiaka87
- Araachie
- athaioanLinköping University
- crsnplusplus
- csyanbin
- czh-98National University of Singapore
- edouardelasalles
- floatlazer
- fly51flyPRIS
- geekynilsSwitzerland
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- GoudyGe
- HarishgunaS
- hiive
- hunkim98Dalpha
- Josh-YiEdinburgh, UK
- JunwenBaiCornell University
- lalalune@Deep-AI-Inc @RaccoonResearch
- LaurenMcG
- loushuai
- MdAsifKhanHarvard Medical School
- metodj
- mfrashadCleve
- mickaelChenParis
- mjkleinman
- NemesisLW
- smrjansTalentica
- SrulyRosenblat
- sunxfancyNVIDIA
- takerumAutonomous vision group, University of Tübingen
- toonnyy8Taiwan,Tainan
- toughyear@sundialso
- tqchThe University of Texas at Austin
- xunzheng