
📒 A single page note taking app built with vanilla JS (Makers week 7 group project)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Create a front end, single page, note taking app using only vanilla JavaScript.

Mock Up

Notes app home page mockup

Notes app note page mockup

User Stories
As a programmer
I can see a list of my notes, where each note is abbreviated to the first 20 characters
So I can find the one I want
As a programmer
I can create a new note
So I can record something I need to remember
As a programmer
I can see the full text of an individual note on its own page
So I can see all the information in the note
As a programmer
I can use shortcodes like `:fire:` that get converted into emojis like 🔥
So I can record notes with fun little pictures

Additional user story:

As a programmer
I can refresh the page and still see my notes
So I can remember what I took down

Team Members



Domain Model


How to Run

To Run App: open index.html with Live Server.

To Run Tests: open TestRunner.html with Live Server.

Development process

Testing Interface




✨ Results ✨

Notes App Interface


✨ Results ✨