Where's Crypto?

This is a proof-of-concept implementation related to the paper titled "Where's Crypto?: Automated Identification and Classification of Proprietary Cryptographic Primitives in Binary Code". In short: it is able to automatically identify cryptographic primitives in binaries, even as-of-yet unknown ones, as long as they fall within a taxonomical class of primitives. It comes in the form of a plug-in for the IDA disassembler.


In order to build this project, you need

  • MS Visual Studio (tested version 2017, 2019). Community edition will do fine.
  • CMake (tested version 3.17.3)
  • IDA SDK (tested version 7.2)
  • Qt (tested version 5.6.3)

Open a command prompt and navigate to the source directory: cd c:/path/to/source/directory Then, create an empty directory, and navigate to it: mkdir build; cd build Point CMake to the IDA SDK directory and Qt directory, and let it generate MSVC project files: cmake -DIdaSdk_ROOT_DIR=c:/path/to/idasdk -DQT5_MSVC_DIR=c:/path/to/Qt/Qt5.6.3/5.6.3/msvc2015_64 -Thost=x64 -Ax64 .. You can now open wherescrypto.vcxproj in Visual Studio, or build it directly from the command line: MSBuild wherescrypto.vcxproj /p:configuration=release The library is now ready in the Release directory.


Build the library using the steps depicted above, or take the prebuilt version from the prebuilt directory. Copy it to the IDA plugins directory c:/path/to/ida/plugins. Also copy the signatures directory to the IDA plugins directory.


For your convenience, the binary samples taken from OpenWRT version 19.07.2 are provided in the samples directory.