Objective-C client for Cobinhood restful API

Primary LanguageObjective-C


COBINHOOD-objc is a Cocoa and Cocoa Touch framework for interacting with COBINHOOD restful API, built using AFNetworking.


In order to begin interacting with the API, you must instantiate a COBClient. You can instantiate an unauthenticated client:

COBClient *client = [[COBClient alloc] init];

or an authenticated client:

COBClientOptions *options = [[COBClientOptions alloc] init];
options.authToken = "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN";
COBClient *client = [[COBClient alloc] initWithOptions:options];

After we've got a client, we can start performing request. Each request method will call either success block or failure block. All requests are asynchronous.

Get All Currencies

[client getAllCurrencies:^(NSArray<COBCurrency *> *currencies) {
    // do something with result
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // do error handling

Get Trading Statistics

[client getTradingStats:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,COBTradingStat *> *tradingStats
) {
    // do something with result
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // do error handling

Place an Order

[client placeOrderWithTradingPairId:@"BTC-USDT" side:kCOBOrderSideBid type:kCOBOrderTypeLimit price:@(5000.01) size:@(1.01) success:^(COBOrder *order) {
    // do something with result
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // do error handling

Cancel an Order

[client cancelOrderWithOrderId:@"ORDER_ID" success:^{
    // do something with result
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // do error handling

Other request methods are listed in COBINHOOD API documents: https://cobinhood.github.io/api-public/

Error Handling

Each failure of request will provide a NSError error. If the failure reason is due to COBINHOOD server, the error's domain must be COBClientErrorDomain and provide the reason in userInfo[COBClientErrorCodeKey].