Hundred Thousand Orbit Fitting: Code which takes intermediate data from hipparcos and gaia and extracts their covariance matrices and epochs of observations.

Primary LanguagePython

Example python code for parsing the intermediate data from Gaia or Hip, and then fitting a line to an orbit with
arbitrary RA and DEC vs epoch given the Hip or Gaia covariance matrices (from the intermediate data) at those epochs.

from htof.main import DataParser # really this will be one of three parsers, e.g. GaiaData
from htof.main import AstrometricFitter

# things we do once at the start of the code:
data = DataParser()
fitter = AstrometricFitter(inverse_covariance_matrices=data.inverse_covariance_matrix,

#  the following lines we do in the mcmc loops:
solution_vector = fitter.fit_line(ra_vs_epoch=ra_from_orbit_fitting_mcmc_trial,

ra0, dec0, mu_ra, mu_dec = solution_vector
#  solution vector is the parametric solution to the line of best fit for the data. Where Ra(epoch) = ra0 + epoch * mu_ra, and Dec(epoch) = dec0 + epoch * mu_dec