
This repository is under construction. It will be used to store all necessary function for the downscaling of atmspheric forcing variables.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains functions to implement the atmospheric variable downscaling framework documented in Mei et al. (2020) and Rouf et al. (2019).

Mei, Y., Maggioni, V., Houser, P. R., Xue, Y., & Rouf, T. (2020). A nonparametric statistical technique for spatial downscaling of precipitation over High Mountain Asia. Water Resour. Res. 56(11), e2020WR07472.

Rouf, T., Mei, Y., Maggioni, V., Houser, P. R., & Noonan, M. (2019). A physically-based downscaling technique for a set of atmospheric variables. J. Hydrometeorol. 21(1), 93-108.