- create an angular project, and do all practices in the project.
- one git commit one practice.
- As a User, I want to see a
button and a textnumber: 0
aside the button, when I click the+
button, then I can see the textnumber: 1
instead ofnumber: 0
. - As a User, I want a new
button aside to textnumber: 0
, when I click the-
button, then I can see the textnumber: -1
instead ofnumber: 0
. - As a User, I want
button disappear when the number in text is less than 0, and the-
button appear again when the number is greater than or equals to 0. - As a User, I want
button disappear when the number in text is greater than 10, and the+
button appear again when the the number is less than or equals to 10. - As a User, I want background color of the text 'number: *' to be green ,when the number in text is less than 0.
- As a User, I want background color of the text 'number: *' to be red, when the number in text is greater than 10.
- As a User, I want background color of the text 'number: *' to be white, when the number in text is greater than 0 and less than or equals to 10.
- As a User, I want a new
button aside to-
button, when I click thereset
button, then I can see the text isnumber: 0
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng new angular-counter
ng generate component counter
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.
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