Angular Counter Component


  1. Create angular app to create angular development stack
  2. Implement Counter component in this stack:

Two Buttons: "+" and "-"

One number, with initial value 0

When the "+" is clicked, the number should be increased by 1, and if you continue to click, it will get accumulated according to this rule.

When the "-" is clicked, the number should be decreased by 1, and If you continue to click, it will get decreased according to this rule.

  1. Create a new component CounterGroup, with a number attribute size, and the number represents the number of Counter components.
  2. When user clicks on any of the Counter components "+" or "-", user expects to see the sum of all the counters at the bottom.
  3. As a user, I want to write size in an input and press enter or click the "setSize" button beside, then the count of Counters show in CounterGroup will change.
  4. As a user, I want to a reset button in counter component beside "-", when click it number of counter will be set to 0, sum will also change.
  5. As a user, I want to a reset button in counter group component beside sum, when click it number of counter will be set to 0, sum will also change.

Tips - how to create angular project

  • ng new angular-counter-group