
🛍️ Your one stop Google Shopping Site

Primary LanguageTypeScript

About the project

A Google Shopping website which allows users to browse all their favorite product which been live scalped across all online store/ecommerce site just like google, with live prices, vendor, specification and many more, with unique filtering system for each searched product. Your one stop shopping site.

👉 Live Demo Video: Live Demo

Build with:

» Next Js 13
» Typescript
» Tailwind
» Oxylabs Ecommerce Scrapper


» Responsive site for all devices
» Live prices and correct information for each product shown coming from vendor via Oxylab scrapper
» Local caching with 5 minutes revalidation for better user experience
» Item specific filtering sidebar, and general filter (min/max price, sort by ...)
» Routing with 404 handling page for unknown products
» Top reviews for each product from Google
» Lazy Skeleton loading
» Item specific product page with images and prices and many more
» Custom API route for security
» All reusable components

Screenshots of the Project 📸

Home Page 🏡